Amazing BT offer from Amex Blue

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by richard612, Jan 10, 2002.

  1. richard612

    richard612 Well-Known Member

    Check this one out (this is a check-based offer):

    1. 5.9% until the BT is paid off with no transaction fees. This is a first for me, even though I've had the card for about 20 months. These check-based offers are normally 9.9%/no fees.

    2. For every dollar that gets BT'd with these checks, they will RAISE MY LIMIT dollar for dollar up to 10k. In other words, I have a 15k line now and if I BT 6k they'll bump my limit to 21k.

    All I can say is: wow.

    I'm spending the next few weeks using my Citi and my Credit Union LOC to round-robin BT my way to a 25k line on Blue.

    * Citi - 17.5k (recently got 2.5k via on-line request)
    * MBNA LOC - 15.8k (will try to combine with new Plat CC when it arrives)
    * Blue - 15k (about to pull ahead in this little race)
    * Amex LOC - only 5.5k - WTF?
    * Credit Union LOC - 5k - It's all they give.

    This lofty limit thing is quite addictive. So is CreditNet!



    GEORGE Well-Known Member

  3. marci

    marci Well-Known Member


    How long did you have your account before AmEx sent you that offer?
  4. creditwork

    creditwork Well-Known Member

    Aren't they great?
    I have built my line to over 40,000 with these kind of offers. I think you can probably get to 50,000.
  5. the other

    the other Well-Known Member

    marci, he said 20 months :)
  6. marci

    marci Well-Known Member

    sheepish grin...

    Thanks! I didn't read carefully enough. I can't wait until I get an offer like that from AmEx.

    GEORGE Well-Known Member

    2+ YEARS!!!
  8. miles

    miles Well-Known Member

    That's a great offer!!

    They sent me an offer to earn 4,000 membership rewards options bonus points if I transfer a minimum of $4,000. The BT is free and the fixed APR is 6.9% until the balance is completely paid off. Not a bad offer, but I like yours better. :)
  9. richard612

    richard612 Well-Known Member

    I feel all sneaky and stuff.

    I wrote one of the BT checks for $4990 and sent it by mail to my credit union with a note to apply it to my LOC.

    Three days later, I borrowed $4990 from the LOC and stuffed it into my checking account.

    One day after that, the BT check arrived at the credit union and was deposited to pay off the LOC.

    Today, I used the $4990 in my checking account to pay off my entire Citi Plat (who refuses to lower my interest below 11.9%).

    I sent the remainder back to Amex to pay off this month's purchases on the Blue account. Hopefully my payment will be posted faster than the BT check does, since I'd rather have my payment applied to the higher-rate purchases than the lower rate BT balance.

    Total cost to me: 24 hours worth of interest on the $4990 I used from the LOC.

    Total benefit to me: Lowering the interest on all of my revolving debt to 5.9% and raising Blue's limit to 20k.

    Blue goes into the sock drawer now. It was my primary day-to-day card. Amex must hate sneaky little f__kers like me.

  10. creditwork

    creditwork Well-Known Member

  11. richard612

    richard612 Well-Known Member

    They're on to me!

    About a week before I received these special BT checks, hit the "request credit-line increase" button on their website. Coincidence? Maybe.

    Today I received a letter from them denying my increase. The reason? "Insufficient income for a higher line at this time." I think I told them that my income is 47k.

    No big deal, since I have these magical limit-raising checks here...

    Here's my question: Does anyone think that their denial has also taken into account the high limits on my other tradelines? If it weren't for the other tradelines, could I have been approved?

    Anyone with a reported income less than 50k get a Blue limit over 15k?

  12. richard612

    richard612 Well-Known Member

    Oh yeah!


    Scha-wing! 23k now! Should be 24.5k once my the check I wrote for this month's rent gets deposited.

    I'm gonna be a little ticked if Amex re-evaluates my credit line and decides that I have a little too much.

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