Citi reporting

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by Karen, Feb 1, 2002.

  1. Karen

    Karen Well-Known Member

    My closing date with Citi was seven days ago and they have not reported now for five months. They told me that they report every three or four months. I thought that this would be the month for sure. All my other CC's report about 5 days after the closing date.

    I made a $7,500 payment on the account two months ago and want it to report before I do some balance transfers from other high rate cards.

    They say they cannot report it on a one time basis.

    It might also help my FICO score a little.

    Any suggestions are appreciated.
  2. richard612

    richard612 Well-Known Member

    Dispute the tradeline with the CRA as "incorrect balance." It's worked for me in the past...
  3. Beaker

    Beaker Well-Known Member

    Just be careful...sometimes if you dispute the account with the CRA as "incorrect balance", they'll just delete the whole tradeline. I know that has happened to some others on this board, and that's why I haven't disputed the (also incorrect) balance on my Citi account. Good luck! :)

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