He called again, today because my wife NEVER called him back... All I (SHE) wanted is the credit limit changed from N/A TO $6,000!!! "I HAVE TO SPEAK TO HER" Is that excessive confidentiality, OR WHAT??????????????? Her job involves talking on the phone about 40 hours per week... She told me to talk to him SINCE I KNOW ALL THE ANSWERS IN MY HEAD...SHE DOESN'T KNOW MANY OF THE ANSWERS RELATING TO CREDIT REPORTS, CREDIT LIMITS, AND F.I.C.O. SCORES...BUT SHE KNOWS MORE NOW, THAN SHE EVER DID BEFORE...
Can we FAX a letter to him at 1-703-205-1755 attention MR COOKE and it will get to him? She would have to call him on her lunch hour...WOULD YOU WANT TO???
Actually, I would rather it be an inconvenience and know my information is kept safe with a creditor.
Three-way call. She can ask for him, give the authenticating info, and then say "I have my husband on the line and he has a question for you" RM
The very FIRST time he called about being refused a "PRE-APPROVAL" she TOLD him to talk to me...HE DIDN'T LIKE THAT!!!!
Is Mr. Cooke located in Northern Virginia? I know they're building the new Cap One building over near Tysons, but I thought right now they're located in Fredericksburg, VA? I wonder if they would let me walk in and ask questions. I'm curious on why they don't report limits and such (I don't even have an account so they may not talk to me anyway), just wondering though. Dani
I highly doubt even if they do speak with you that Mr Cooke can/will change their policy of limit reporting. If they changed it for her, they would have to change it for all their customers. As I recall "Marie" wrote an excellent letter and they stated this was their policy and they were not changing it.
SO, why can't he just say to me "TELL HER, SHE WILL JUST HAVE TO GET A LOWER F.I.C.O. SCORE, BECAUSE WE WANT TO BE MEAN TO ALL OUR CUSTOMERS"!?!?!?!?!?!?! So what you are saying is----> MAXING OUT THE CARD IS THE ONLY WAY??? Isn't N/A a "VIOLATION" ???
I think a test lawsuit is needed. I disputed my Amex tradeline with EXP over the "N/A" high limit and they nuked the entire tradeline. It's obvious that the usual stuff won't work. A scorched earth policy is called for. Too bad I'm broke or else I'd do it myself. RM
My AMEX BLUE is gone from EXPERIAN...BUT CAPITAL ONE isn't from hers... AMEX BLUE~~~"CREDIT LIMIT MUST BE $15,500 NOT N/A"...DELETED IT!!!
Well, I understand your frustration and yet Mr Cooke is only following the law. We complain and complain and sue over creditors who discuss our information with third parties... so we can't really fuss about someone who actually knows the law and follows it. Be happy Cap1 is being responsible about your wife's information and account. As for the issue of getting this dealt with, a 3way call would work. However, don't expect him to report the limit. It's a company wide policy. I agree I think it's illegal.. but I doubt you'll make headway. On a positive note: you can use it as ammo to sue the CRAs or you can use it to get better terms or a loc from CAp1. It's a legitimate complaint. then, have her exercise the limit and that way the high credit will almost substitute for her limit in the interim.
We will NEVER know if the HIGH LIMIT is even used for F.I.C.O. scoring... We know for a FACT, that the CREDIT LIMIT is used for F.I.C.O. scoring...
I know that the high credit was used as the credit limit on my Equifax report for Capital One. I got my lender's report, complete with their percentage of my revolving utilization and then I did the calculations myself to see if I could reproduce it. The only calculation of balance to limit that got me to the same figure for Equifax's utilization was when I used Cap One's high credit as my credit limit.
I personally do not consider speaking with a spouse on a financial matter to be breaking confidentiality, especially if one spouse the account belongs to requests this.
I'm sorry I have to defend Mr. Cooke, not because I like him, but consider this. I don't know for sure but are you a joint holder on this account? Or are you an authorized user? If not, spouse or no spouse, you shouldn't have access to her credit account. The only logical reason is imagine if you are going through a divorce and he divulges credit card information then that would be a violation for discussing information with a 3rd party. You could be anyone in that home stating that you are her husband. For example, if you had another relative who knows all of her information to verify identity how do they know it's just a relative and not her husband? Why don't you just close the account if you like the terms? I don't mean to sound harsh. When I get to prime that's what I plan to do. Get with a company that better terms that WILL report my credit limit. While I have subprime scores, I'll be in subprime credit hell.
beta, I agree with you 100% except for the case where the wife tells the creditor to speak to her husband. In that case, the creditor should be willing to speak to the spouse.