How about TM T-shirts? I'd Buy one! PBM could make a little x-tra cash, and get some free advertising. Who knows, maybe take a little percentage of the procceeds and start a class action suit against the CRA's. Or maybe it could help pay an annual get together/conference? Would anyone else buy one?
lol...this is all too funny. My wife and I actually look forward to the mailperson coming each day to see if we got any replies back from the CRAs. When my wife hands me my mail and I don't get any reply, I usually reply with, "You mean that's it?? No replies???" Then I have to deal with another 24 hours of waiting...PATIENTLY!!!! grrrrr
Count me in.... I like to where my obessessions on my sleve, so to speak. Plus somebody else metioned that they got the t-shirt and now I'm jealous. CBJ
Addicted!!!!! I read this, check the archives, look up other keywords online, check credit report, ask questions.....oops, forgot, needed to make dinner last night! Laundry is still dirty too. Making notes, compling questions to ask. Huge project to undestand!