DMB Secured Iadvantages gone??

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by Buckcherry, Feb 1, 2002.

  1. Buckcherry

    Buckcherry Active Member

    I just got this card 2 months ago and noticed that they are no longer offering it online. Now does that mean when my card is up for renewal that something will take its place? I have tried to call DMB and they don't know what I am even saying and then they try to sell me a Tripsaver Plan that I already have.. LoL.. Does anyone else know about this?
  2. jr

    jr Well-Known Member

    Buckcherry, after having the secured card for 1 year call DMB and ask them to review the account for unsecured status. If they unsecure your account you will get upgraded to gold and get your deposit back with interest. You are right that the secured account is no longer available in the DMB website.
  3. jr

    jr Well-Known Member

    I forgot to mention to you Buckcherry that once your account gets unsecured they will also give you a credit limit increase and then every six months. They don't give increases while the account is secured. The only way to get increases while secured is to deposit more money. I don't know why they are not offering the secured card anymore but I do know their stock is not doing very well. DMB is the 10th largest bank card issuer in the U.S.A. and has around 5 million customers according to I wish you good luck with your new account.
  4. Buckcherry

    Buckcherry Active Member

    Thanx.. Another think I forgot to say.. Since the card is no longer available.. Would I still be able to send in deposits?
  5. jr

    jr Well-Known Member

    You should still be able to send in deposits for a credit limit increase. If they change any terms on your account they will notify you by mail.

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