I did an online dispute with exifax. 30 days later the investigation was done, I looked at my Credit file and the things I had disputed were gone. 5 days later ( today) I got a letter from them saying " results of your investigation....We have researched your credit account....THIS ITEM HAS BEEN DELETED FROM YOUR CREDIT FILE" Then they enclosed a copy of my updated credit file......Under Credit account information the two things I disputed are still on there. If this is an updated copy of my credit file, shouldn't the deleted info NOT be there? Please help... I'm confused! Me
"I looked at my Credit file and the things I had disputed were gone" Did you print out the file you looked at? Do you see anything gone/deleted off your report? They may have mixed-up the wrong account---they did mine It showed a disputed account that was not an account I disputed. There should be a phone # to call and ask Usually the updated reports comeback w/ the corrections on them. Equifax is in their own little world. Good Luck!
I found my letter from Equifax stating" This item has been deleted from your credit file". That was Jan 9th. It hasn't been removed yet...what do I do? What should I send them? a copty of this letter and tell them they need to remove it? Please help..Thanks