What CRA Do Eddie Baur use?

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by Brenda, Feb 2, 2002.

  1. Brenda

    Brenda Well-Known Member

    Thanks, Eddie Baur Mastercard!!!!
  2. Terry

    Terry Well-Known Member

    Eddie Bauer is underwritten by FCNB. The Eddie Bauer Gold M/C pulls TU, as a matter of fact all FCNB products pulls TU.

    The Eddie Bauer M/C is considered a prime product, and from what the representative told me, your report must be clean, no negs.

    I was approved for a 2500 cl.
  3. Brenda

    Brenda Well-Known Member

    Thanks,I Just got approve after read Maria post,and in 7 days I have my card.
  4. breeze

    breeze Well-Known Member

    I don't understand. In other posts I read that you have almost $200,000 in credit available and that you are trying to get credit to start a film-making business. How is this account going to help start your business?
  5. bailey

    bailey Well-Known Member

    it's not this is the biggest crock going around here. Come on you have 180K + lines of credit already, hmmmmmm that must just abut cover every bank.
  6. Ron

    Ron Well-Known Member


    FCNB didn't give me a Gold MC and they give me a regular MC. They approved me $2500. After six months I request limit increase and they increased my limit to 3250. I still got the regular MC.

  7. Christi

    Christi Well-Known Member

    One post last night she had 2 of her scores listed, today she suddenly only knows one of her scores. It's a crock for sure!!
  8. Brenda

    Brenda Well-Known Member

    Because Chisti I got my new report that said 651 it was 620 something,but I paid down a card and got some inquiries remove. Scores go up and down.

    Baily your just a sad guy.

    I will use the eddie Mastercard and charge film.

    It took me over 20 years to get over 180,000 in credit.

    Just look for my movie in the Theater. Brenda The filmmaker Smith
  9. Brenda

    Brenda Well-Known Member

    Baily you and Chisti work to hard on worries what I am saying. I think you two should get marry and go on a honeymoon to IRAN.
  10. breeze

    breeze Well-Known Member

    But Brenda, can you explain what you are doing getting dinky little cards when you have almost $200,000 in credit? Seems like you wouldn't need more credit.

    If you do need it for a business, why don't you apply for business credit?
  11. bailey

    bailey Well-Known Member

    You know why I worry. Because you have proved time and time again that you are a 100% fake. You contradict yourself more times in a day then I change diapers.

    People reading your posts who aren't familair may take your advice or try for a card that you "claim" you have or have gotten, giving them false information. That is WHY I have a problem with your posts, plain and simple.

    By the way I only believe a few areas of the country would let christi and I legally married....................
  12. Brenda

    Brenda Well-Known Member

    Your are the fake . I have said try planetfeed back to get line increase I do go around telling people to apply for anything.. You just got problems with me so you must deal with it I am here to stay.
  13. Brenda

    Brenda Well-Known Member

    It takes alot of money to make a movie and who will give me a loan """A big loan""" I can get 7,000, 5,000. But I have no house not great paying Job. They are not like credit card company and say household income. Besides Spike lee has did this,Ed Burns,Kevin Smith, Robert Towns and a lot of others. Borrow creditcards to make a movie. It is well know to Filmmakers banks do not like to len money for Movie making. If you are not doing Starwars You got to have a name to get the $$$$$$$$$

    Brenda the filmmaker Smith
  14. anna

    anna Well-Known Member

    Can I star in your movie??? I want to get in on this sure-fire money-maker!

    Anna the rising film star!
  15. Brenda

    Brenda Well-Known Member

    If you live in NJ and work for food,but you don't do it for the money.I love movie making. I am welling to work a job I hate just to do it, go in debt just to do it. I love moves I love filmmaking.

    Brenda Smith see me in the moves
  16. author_22

    author_22 Well-Known Member

    You're a racist. That'll get you very far, about as far as your GREAT (sarcasm meant) English!!!!

  17. ohnostuck

    ohnostuck Well-Known Member

    Make a porn. They are cheap..lol
  18. Christi

    Christi Well-Known Member

  19. ng

    ng Well-Known Member


    What are the name of your movies?
  20. Brenda

    Brenda Well-Known Member

    Iran ia not a race but a has alot of problems because of who runs it.I never said any thing about color or the people. You had race on your mind so maybe your are the Racist.Author 22

    I just made one move call A dream in the heart ,the risk was student movie.

    Oh Chisti,Oh Chistis why do you care.

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