What CRA Do Eddie Baur use?

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by Brenda, Feb 2, 2002.

  1. mindcrime2

    mindcrime2 Well-Known Member

    I think "someone" should learn how use proper grammer, and take a lesson in spelling.
  2. Brenda

    Brenda Well-Known Member

    I did and I have gramma problems, you would shock to see how many people have trouble like I do,but it don't stop them and want stop me.
  3. Christi

    Christi Well-Known Member

    I just realized you can click on someone's name like you are going to email them, then look in the right upper corner and it says read all post by this user....read Brenda's post if you are up for some real humor.......lmao.

    Oh Brenda, I don't care to be quite honest, I just need some humor in my life and you give me a bunch of it :)
  4. Brenda

    Brenda Well-Known Member

    You are a joke to me too chisti, oh I am gonna sue the judge gonna make them pay, Oh please Your are a joke
  5. Christi

    Christi Well-Known Member

    And you are a MORON!!! Who ever said they were suing a judge? Geez you can't even read sensibly can you? I'm suing the CRA's, have already sued 2 and one gets sued on Wedneday at 3:00 PM C.S.T. if no response to me by fax. And I have enough sense to know if I want to start a business not to use 3...no 4 now Capital One cards, Spiegel, Eddie Bauer MC, Fleet, B o A, Target Visa and all these cards. With $180K limits and you are saying yours are "normally" about $500-$2K you must have what 90 credit cards???

    So your payments even at $20 a month would be $1800. You could get ONE business loan and get a smaller payment and save your personal credit. Let's see your household income qualifies you for higher limits, but Mommy hasn't worked in 40 years and you make $32K a year, so Daddy must make MEGA bucks. Maybe he can run down to Bank One and get a $900K loan for you.

    And if you EVEN think anyone on here believes you made a movie with $180K you are FULL OF SHIT!!! Do you even have a clue what it costs to pay for lighting, cameras, staff, costumers, designers, critics, actors/actresses, setup etc etc etc. No you don't. I would recommend you use some of that big credit and visit a psychiatrist because you are obviously living in a very delusional world and are in serious/life threatening need of some Lithium, Haldol, Zyprexa, Risperdal and shock therapy.

    My point is that there are newbies joining everyday and if they read your posts and belive they can get all these credit cards you are claiming to get, you have falsely misled people. They are here for help with credit, not some $hit for brains who is clueless about life in general to have them believing they can run out and get $180K credit in 1 week with a 651 TU score.

    Get a life and a hobby and please....seek professional psychiatric help soon!!!
  6. ohnostuck

    ohnostuck Well-Known Member

    What problems are you having with your Gramma? I loved my Gramma, she made me milk and cookies. Her and my Papa were the coolest grey haired cats in town. :) Hey....wait a minute...I get it.

    LESSON 1
    GRAMMAR(spelled that way)
    a : the study of the classes of words, their inflections, and their functions and relations in the sentence b : a study of what is to be preferred and what avoided in inflection and syntax
    2 a : the characteristic system of inflections and syntax of a language b : a system of rules that defines the grammatical structure of a language
    3 a : a grammar textbook b : speech or writing evaluated according to its conformity to grammatical rules
    4 : the principles or rules of an art, science, or technique <a grammar of the theater>

    damn there is that theater word again


    Ohnostuck the Porn Star Smith
  7. author_22

    author_22 Well-Known Member

    Go to hell. We all know good and well what you meant. You were the one who brought up Iran as an insult to them, not me. Therefore, you are the racist because you basically said Iran and all its people are evil. Just leave already. I am the last person who is a racist. I am sick of people cursing every single foreign-descent person. I'm American, and not Middle Eastern at all, but do not appreciate the ignorant rants of racist trash like you.

  8. Brenda

    Brenda Well-Known Member

    I know you are sue the cra , You fool.And I did get these cards. My score took 2 almost months to get up to 651. After I got inquirie removes and paid down a card. You know score go up and down in a matter of days. I am not the only one who gets alot of cards in a few weeks, What I do with my personal business . Look in nov I said my score was around 620 but Jan 31 or 30 my Tu came back and it was at 651 not over night and in a few days. I even use your letter that help make equafax look into my caim "" they have not finish.. "" SO thanks"""
  9. Brenda

    Brenda Well-Known Member

    No Author 22 that is you who put middle east in it I have brother,sister who are middle east we worship together. Look at your ouwn heart and quick judging and being a mean reader

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