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I got a cap one card.

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by Brenda, Feb 2, 2002.

  1. Christi

    Christi Well-Known Member

    I just realized you can click on someone's name like you are going to email them, then look in the right upper corner and it says read all post by this user....read Brenda's post if you are up for some real humor.......lmao. BTW a few days ago she said she had 3 Cap One cards!!!

    Oh Brenda, I don't care to be quite honest, I just need some humor in my life and you give me a bunch of it :)
  2. Brenda

    Brenda Well-Known Member

    You need a life if you are spending time reading my old post. Get a life get real.
  3. Christi

    Christi Well-Known Member

    I just needed some real humor, the kind you can only get watching idiots make fools of themselves..like drunks in a bar or something. But..you fit the bill my dear.
  4. Brenda

    Brenda Well-Known Member

    Will I am in show BiZ, happy to make your day lover
  5. ohnostuck

    ohnostuck Well-Known Member


    Ohnostuck the Porn Star Smith
  6. ng

    ng Well-Known Member

    If she is the porn star Smith
    She has made lots of movies.

    Way to go Brenda!
  7. Brenda

    Brenda Well-Known Member

    I am not a pron star you are going in a area were you may get sue. I do not do prono moves at all sci-fi,Dramas.
  8. PsychDoc

    PsychDoc Well-Known Member

    A couple of comments:

    1) Brenda doesn't strike me as being someone who sets out to harass others. What's the point of name-calling ("idiot," "porn star," etc.)?

    2) While it's true that much of what Brenda has said here doesn't seem to fit together (making a film with $185,000 in credit, for example; having $185k in credit at all for that matter while not being able to get a no-fee Cap 1 card; etc.), why not gently poke if you want to, rather than hurling outright insults? An example comes to mind here. From time to time we're visited on this board by a teenager who has claimed to have triple-A prime credit cards which he acquired by lying about his age, oops, no, sorry, he changed the story such that his parents co-signed for him, whoops, actually, his parents co-signed for him but made him the principal owner of the accounts even though teenagers can't have that status, WHOOPS, he canceled those accounts anyway. You get the idea. That person has ALWAYS been treated with respect here, as far as I can tell. A few of us have poked and prodded, occasionally nailing him to the wall -- but gently -- and then allowing him to save face with another tall tale which would be confronted on a different day. Why can't we accord the same respectful treatment to others whose stories don't quite make sense to us in the moment?

    3) Brenda, if you happen to read this, please understand that I'm not saying that you've made up stories here. What I'm saying is that if someone thinks you have made up a story, they still have an obligation to treat you with the respect and human dignity that you deserve. And I'm saying "DESERVE" because I think you've treated others here pretty well, if this thread is any indication. Instead of retaliating, sinking down to the level of the name-callers, etc., you've simply said, "get a life" and "if you got problems with me stay away." Irrespective of whether or not you're financing a movie with credit cards or anything else, you have shown some very redeeming qualities in the way you have handled some very regrettable examples of disrespect.

    I don't expect that my words will change anyone's actions here, but I really felt the need to speak out in this case because I think a wrong is being committed against someone whose "punishment" far exceeds the "crime" at hand.

  9. ohnostuck

    ohnostuck Well-Known Member

    I didn't say that you were a pornstar. I am ohnostuck the porn star smith. Just like you are a filmmaker.

    Oh, and if you could sue me for something, good luck finding ohnostuck in the phone book to get my info. I am not the one that chose to disclose my name on a PUBLIC board with many eyes regarding my finances.

    DOC- While I appreciate your opinion she is doing just as much picking as we are to her. Go read some of her posts. Me being a pornstar is no more far fetched then her making a movie with credit cards that total 185,500 she obtained from "household income".
  10. drmgirl6

    drmgirl6 Well-Known Member

    I agree. Well said, Doc.
  11. Brenda

    Brenda Well-Known Member

    Of forget I don't have to prove my credit line to anyone but they ones who must charge it, Time will tell. Just keep a open mind and look for my movie Jade by Brenda D Smith.Just wait and see if you never hear of me you was right if you do I was. Just keep a open mind and wait. I will post you with up dates about my movie being paid with credit cards and My Job.Brenda Smith """Jade is the movie name
  12. ohnostuck

    ohnostuck Well-Known Member


    There is already a movie called Jade. Its porn.
  13. GEORGE

    GEORGE Well-Known Member

    ...you may get sue. WHO IS SUE?
  14. PsychDoc

    PsychDoc Well-Known Member

    George, Sue is one of the women who keep turning you down for new credit cards even though your FICO scores are excellent.

    Doc :)
  15. Brenda

    Brenda Well-Known Member

    A movie title is a name ,you can use title over again. There is a Movie call Slackers out now, but a few years ago there was another movie called Slackers different movies.
    Brenda Smith
  16. Brenda

    Brenda Well-Known Member

    johnny cash a girl name sue.
  17. whyspers

    whyspers Well-Known Member

    I'm not going to question your sanity, Brenda, but rather say I think it is terrific that you believe in yourself. Yes, it could fail and you could end up in bk court..BUT..it could succeed. I wish you all the best with it and hope you keep that belief in yourself no matter what happens. Afterall, look at some of the world's successful people...many have a long history of failures before succeeding beyond their wildest dreams. You go, girl!!!

  18. Brenda

    Brenda Well-Known Member

    Thanks Whysper,

    Brenda The filmmaker Smith

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