I had a car repossesed in 1995 . The last report of activity was Aug of 1995 . Should I try to dispute it or wait to see if it drop's off my credit ?I have a one year time line to excersise my lease/option on a home . I could care less if it is my dept or not at this point , I just want these removed .I dont care if I do the work or a credit repair agent does it . I have no emotion about credit card company's or collection agency's . Heard all the lies,threats and deception . Time for action . Toolhound
You can dispute it, just keep a copy of your report showing the original DOLA, in case some sleazeball tries to re-age the account. I has to come off this year anyway.
Thanks for the info, I think they have a extra 180 day's . I wonder if they will even verify it . At the bank that is ?
a lot of time they delete before the "seven year" period anyway. You are right, I doubt they will validate. I would try it if i was you.