The local affiliate of EQ whom I've been dealing with FOREVER is also a collection agency. Today I pulled a report and they have added 2 unpaid collection accounts from 1995. I did NOT receive the letter from them regarding these and giving me 30 days to dispute. However, I think these may be ones that were deleted a LONG time ago. Either way they have violated: A. as a CA and not sending me the appropriate notice or B. as the CRA and re-inserting without the 5 day notice Do I just leave it alone and leave it as more ammo for the pending lawsuit?
I would think that you have even more documentation for the you have the old credit reports showing when/where/how the accounts were originally reported, before deletion, and then also where they were deleted? I would think that would be the absolute best documentation, since you weren't notified. I'd call your attorney and let him/her know you've got more godies for review!! Maybe I am just a packrat with a good filing cabinet, but I have saved every CR I have ever ordered for this very reason....
I too am a packrat and have every CR, every envelope every piece of documentation was ever mailed to me in. I have it all from 1999 when I first somewhat started on credit repair.
August and October. Yes I have all old reports, in fact a report from1-31-02 does NOT have it on there and now it's there today. So either they re-inserted it (I'll look at some real oldies when I get home) or they are reporting it as a new debt as a CA (they are both). The latter is highly unlikely though. I think they only re-inserted it and if so, I have them even better. Apparently I have caused so much grief for them they are just *looking* for something to do to me, which is fine by me My lawyer will handle them and their childish games.