Need Experts Help, Anybody PLEASE

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by msjackson, Feb 5, 2002.

  1. msjackson

    msjackson Well-Known Member

    Don't know how to even start this but here goes.......

    Experian - Sent off for CR November 2001

    Received CR November 25, 2001

    Fired off dispute of 4+ items with 2 being collections from Consumer Adjustment Co.

    Received CR on December 11, 2001 stating they could not investigate because I did not tell specifically why information is inaccurate - I only put on the dispute form "Inaccurate Please Delete". Thought that was enough.

    Fired off dispute letter #2 (one from sample letters) with same number of items maybe a few more on January 19, 2002, CRRR. They received on January 24, 2002.

    Received response yesterday (2 separate envelopes) dated January 30, 2002, 1 letter stating the same thing about we were unable to investigate because not enough information (exact same statement as above) bullsh*t, they listed all of the items that I wanted verified including those same 2 Collections as above.

    Now get this, I open letter #2, It states "Using the information provided the following item(s) was not found: Consumer Adjustment Co (both accounts)". So when I look over the new report they sent with the letters they removed both Consumer Adjustment accounts and added 2 new collection accounts!!!!!!!!!! WTF is going on here. In one letter they tell me 2 of the disputed items were not even on my report and I am looking right at the damn report dated November, like hell they were'nt on there. And on the letter saying I did'nt give them enough information for dispute they have all of the items listed and Consumer Adjustment is listed with these items. Then on the other letter they say they were not on there to begin with. I am confused and do not know my next step. Please help and If I confused anybody like myself please let me know.

    They are lazy bastards and fire off these standard form letters and I am not going for it. I want to get a letter fired off today after work so please help me.
  2. sam

    sam Well-Known Member

    Why aren't you using the online dispute process?

    There is no room for err in that respect, or call them up on the phone?
  3. msjackson

    msjackson Well-Known Member

    Because to my understanding I thought all communication with them should be tracked via CRRR.
  4. msjackson

    msjackson Well-Known Member

    Please, somebody please give me some input. I need this information so I know my next move. It is clear to me that they do not even read. I truly thought I had them for a violation of some kind because they are reporting inaccurate information on my CR. They say items were not found on my CR when I have it right in my face. Someone please help!!!!!!!!!!
  5. breeze

    breeze Well-Known Member

    Use that report number to dispute again this time online, just print out you disputes and reports each time.

    I think they are playing games with you. They think if you get frustrated enough, you will quit trying. Online is fine if you print them and keep them.

    If you try to call them on this, you might end up with four CA entries instead of 2. Just dispute.
  6. msjackson

    msjackson Well-Known Member

    How do you dispute online? I don't have a CC, can this be done for free? Also, nobody has given me a response as to whether they are violating. They have added these 2 new CA accounts without notifying me and they out right lied about the other 2. First they are there, then they say they are not there, then they disappear. Can ANYBODY go into a little more detail PLEASE.
  7. PsychDoc

    PsychDoc Well-Known Member

    Re: Need Experts Help, Anybody PLEA

    Ms. Jackson, probably the best way to get more advice is to engage in a dialogue with people who have begun to give you advice already. So, for example, breeze just took the time to answer your post with a great suggestion. I think you must have forgotten to thank her but instead launched into more questions. In another thread, someone posted about her own situation, and you then responded with, "that sounds like mine" and then offered a summary of your own issue. (That's called "hijacking" somebody else's thread.) Finally, give a posting a day before "bumping" it; sometimes a few of us like to think about things for awhile before answering. I realize you may not appreciate how I have responded here, but I am truly offering these "bulletin board tips" as a way to help you become more integrated into the community and ultimately benefit more.

    Now onto what you're looking for:

    1) Just because a CRA asks for identifying instruction or details doesn't mean that they are violating the Fair Credit Reporting Act. Unfortunately, since this is something that they can do (ostensibly to get clarity while they research your issue), they sometimes use the privilege as a stalling tactic. It does not appear that you have them on any violation at all at this point. (That still doesn't mean that they aren't being irritating and unhelpful, though.)

    2) Whenever they ask for more information, answer it. Show them that you are working in good faith to correct some errors -- rather than just being someone who is engaged in credit repair tactics. In your case, they responded to your first dispute letter by asking for more information. You didn't mention answering that but instead spoke of a second dispute letter "with same number of items maybe a few more." Did you answer their request for more detail? If they said that "inaccurate" wasn't good enough, you could have answered with, "Oh, sorry for leaving out the detail -- the billing history is completely inaccurate, however the account details themselves (account number, etc.) are accurate" or something along those lines. If you simply followed up with a second dispute letter instead, that probably will not work for you in enlisting even the most consumer-oriented employee they have. (Hey, they exist, lol.)

    3) How many disputes are you including in a single dispute letter? When you mentioned that your second dispute letter included the "same number of items maybe a few more" -- how many is that? I recommend that you not dispute more than 2 or 3 at a time, otherwise you'll look like you're just ready to call anything negative an error, rather than honestly attempting to make corrections. In fact, some people on the net -- notable those who follow the Electronic Credit Repair Kit (do a search on for details) -- advise doing only 1 or 2 at a time maximum.

    4) This brings us to the final issue, and that is, "WHAT THE HECK IS GOING ON WITH YOUR REPORTS?" The fact is that you have two somewhat contradictory letters in front of you. It's possible that your two dispute letters were handled by two different reps. (Remember that we're talking about a big company with hundreds of employees.) Perhaps one deleted the accounts, while another put them back as collection accounts, or some such. Even this can work for you, though -- if they have turned the tradeline into something it really isn't, then your next dispute will be a lot easier, i.e., "This is completely wrong. This account was never a collection account. Please verify this and delete it." But the bottom line is that we just don't know which report is your most current one. This may cost you $8.50 to get some clarity. Go to the CRA's web site and buy your report just so you can get your bearings. Alternately, you could try telephoning their customer service and asking how those tradelines appear on your latest report. Let them know you received some conflicting information from them that has left you confused. Don't make the mistake of arguing with the phone rep, though; save it for your next written dispute.

    5) Yes, online disputes are ok. However since you're involved in a relatively confusing matter with these two accounts in particular, stick to the written CRRR and keep copies of all correspondence. Ultimately, if they CREATED a new error, and then refuse to fix it, THEN you really do have them in an FCRA violation, and you'll want to post here for more advice.

    Good luck to you! I hope this was helpful at least a little.

  8. msjackson

    msjackson Well-Known Member

    Re: Need Experts Help, Anybody PLEA

    Thanks PsychDoc for all of the information.
  9. bc

    bc Well-Known Member

    Re: Need Experts Help, Anybody PLEA

    Go to CRA website, click on online dispute, fill in info. And it's free!

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