Lawyer won't take my case....

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by KHM, Feb 5, 2002.

  1. KHM

    KHM Well-Known Member

    Went to see the lawyer Friday about COLLECTECH, he called this morning and said he wouldn't be able to take the case. WTF!!!
    To boot, Collectech said they reported it to all 3 bureaus on 1/20, I ordered Equifax on 1/31, and it wasn't there, I got a copy of EXP on 1/25, not there but it showed up there 1/26 (or so) and POOF today it's on TU. So I have them on 5 violations $5000 but I wanted more than that, all the freaking heartache and crap they have put me through. I also have them on attempting to collect while I was trying to explain to them how they F'd up, as well as harrassment. There are only 2 lawyers in my state that deal with this, 1 said no the other said "try to work it out with the original creditor. NOW WHAT!?! Whos that David Swazak guy?
  2. msjackson

    msjackson Well-Known Member

    that sounds a little bit like mine. Experian is playing games, here today, gone tomorow. I really would like for someone to give me some direction because if all my reading has registered into my brain correctly, I believe they have violated at least twice but I cant get anyone to respond to my post.
  3. KHM

    KHM Well-Known Member

    Ok heres the latest scoop...
    I called NH legal assitance and they gave me a new lawyers number. I have an appointment Saturday (I already like this guy Sat appt.s) I gave him the run down, he said sounds like an "open and shut case", I told him at this pants I want MONEY, I want to sue the pants off them and I want MORE than small claims court allows. He said bring your paper trail (TY Creditnet) and all their collection letters as well as NEW copies of your reports.
    YEE HAW!
  4. sal826

    sal826 Well-Known Member


  5. girliegirl

    girliegirl Well-Known Member

    GOOD LUCK, KHM, and keep us posted on how the meeting with the attorney goes. Don't be intimidated. You have worked too hard for this! Go after every cent you can get!

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