I was reviewing my cards, and I realized that I have alot. How many cards are the average? I'm just curious.
1 amex 2 citi 1 target 1 crap 1 1 household 1 visa check card (it has $500 overdraft) i only use one at a time (cap 1 has the lowest rate right now!)
1 MBNA 1 Citi 1 Juniper 1 Discover 1 Target Visa 1 Best Buy 1 Hecht's charge a Visa debit/ATM card from my bank an AMEX LOC (not really a card) Currently revolving balances on the MBNA, Juniper, and Discover, all at 0-2% promo rates.
Geez, maybe I should diversify. I have 3 Cap 1 with another on the way 2 Providian Applied for a furniture comany's card but haven't heard back so probably declined. Should I look for other types of credit acounts? Such as some type of installment loan or something?
I have 8 bankcards, 1 retail card, 1 charge card, and 1 (hidden) loc: 2 AmEx 1 Bank of America 1 Capital One 1 Chase 1 Citibank 1 Citibank USA 1 MBNA 1 Rich's (retail) ---------------------- 1 Amex charge 1 Amex loc This summer, I plan to reduce the bankcards to 6 by closing one account and combining two more.
2 retail-Target & Mervyns 1 gas card (texaco) 1 visa- Providian Unsecured 1 m/c-Orchard Unsecured Post Bk. almost one year since filed. This is all I'm going to work with to build a history for a home loan down the line. No more applying for me!! Even though it's soooo hard sometimes!!!!!!! newstdt
I do not revolve a balance on any of these accounts. I use one or two accounts at a time. I am thankful and glad to be debt free! Bank of America Visa Capital One Gold Visa Capital One Classic Master card Kmart Master Card (Capital One) Providian Visa Get Smart Visa (a.k.a. Providian) Direct Merchants Bank Gold Master Card Orchard Bank Master Card FCNB Master Card Target Guest Card I will be combining my two Capital One accounts in August and will probably cancel 2-3 other cards. My current Equifax score is 623 and my BK7 is over four years old. I know I have a lot of credit cards but I am not in debt so that is not a problem for me and I have learned the hard way not to abuse credit. I use them mainly for credit rebuilding and of course emergency's that may arise. Many of the accounts have prime terms already and credit limits range from $750 to $5,500 and a.p.r. range from 12.9% fixed to 23.3% Five of the accounts do not have an annual fee. My oldest account is BofA Visa 8 years. I owe many thank's to the creditnet members for their advice and support. I also have to thank Capital One executive offices for all their help in converting my accounts to prime terms and I have to pat myself in the back for doing a good job in rebuilding my credit.
2-Citi Plats 1-State Farm 1- Target Visa 1- GM Card 1-Best Buy 1- BP oil gas card (Have no idea why?) ======== 1- AMEX LOC
Me 1 DMB $11.7K CL, $2.8K balance @9.24% Purchase & 12.24% Cash advance. 1 Chase $2.5K CL, $1.2K balance @ 9.9% DMB will probably give me a CL increase tommorow bc I just brought my UR from 34% to 23%. I'll share the good news if & when it happens. Hubby 1 Cap1 platinum $15K CL, $3K balance @ 9.9% 1 JC Penny, unknown exact CL, but high; $0 balance Hubby & I both have visa checkcards, but I don't think that should count.
Amex Green Orchard MC Household MC Capital One MC Citi Plat Select MC Citi Plat Select Dividend MC Target Visa Providian Gold Visa Providian Gold MC State Farm Platinum Visa WalMart Card Shell Card Ultimate Electronics Card
16: American Express Gold AMEX Blue MBNA/AAA Plat Plus Citibank Plat Select AT&T Universal Plat Discover Plat FNANB Gold NextCard Plat Wells Fargo Plat Direct Merchants Titanium Chase Credit Union VISA Sears Home Depot Rooms to Go Kohl's
2 citi platinum selects. 1 fncc 2 first premier 2 providian 1 shell Au on amex green amex optima platinum citi plat slect 2 first premier 1 fncc i think thats all.... Kev da kustom kat experian 661 tu 654 equisux 634
1 MBNA 1 Citibank 1 AmEx 1 Target 1 Wells Fargo 1 Marshall Fields (store) 1 Sears (store) 1 Walmart (store) 5 Credit Cards 3 Charge Cards
jr, 3 Citibank Cards 1 AT& T Universal Cards. 3 Discover Platinum 1 Discover Gold 1 Private Issue 1 Bof A Visa 1 Bof A MC 1 Peoples Bank Visa 1 Target Visa 1 Target Guest Card 1 State Farm Bank Plat Visa 1 Everbank Plat Visa 2 Cap 1 MC ( 1 Cap1 Classic MC and Kmart MC Card). GM Card Citibank USA Netscape MC Quantum Card & Apple Instant Loan Barnes & Nobles Card Fleet Bank Cards: Edvance MC and Fusion Card First USA cards:Yahoo! Visa and Smart Visa. Spiegel Store Card and Eddie Bauer MC. Sams Club Credit JC Penney Card Exxon Mobil MC 2 Diners Club Card. Sears Premier Card Sears Gold MC Shell Gas Card ExxonMobil Gas Card Ron.
Hey Ron, Are you sure that's all the cards you have, or you couldn't type anymore! Aren't you concerned about ID Fraud? I don't want more CC card #s than I can memorize!
Bank cards: AMEX Gold Amex Optima Plat Bank of America Classic Chase Gold Chase Plat Citi Plat Gold Household GM Card 2 Orchard Bank Providian State Farm Target Visa Store Cards: Bloomingdales Burdines Nordstroms Saks Fifth Avenue