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New Eloan score: 671

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by DaveLV, Feb 5, 2002.

  1. DaveLV

    DaveLV Well-Known Member

    The text of the analysis had this to say:

    Thanks to your high CreditXpert Credit Score(tm), you should not have much difficulty getting some of the better loan offers available from lenders, whether an auto, a mortgage, or a personal loan. However, this may not be true for credit card offers, because you may receive better interest rates and higher loan amounts if you had a higher score. You can improve your credit score by continuing to always pay your bills on time. Also, the additional information you provide as part of your application(s), such as income and monthly payments, will be important in determining whether you can get the best offer, or just a good one.


    Maybe it's time to go mortgage shopping.
  2. DaveLV

    DaveLV Well-Known Member

    Oops -- forgot to say that I don't know if they pulled Experian like they used to or if they pulled TU like they are doing for most folks now. I expect they pulled TU. My TU "score" was 599 as of yesterday because of all my new accounts.
  3. raiderpam

    raiderpam Well-Known Member

    Hi does eloan do a hard inquiry? Thanks
  4. DaveLV

    DaveLV Well-Known Member

    When they first started giving scores out they did -- and boy did people get upset. They seem to have fixed that problem now and the last couple of times I've used it the inquiry was soft.
  5. raiderpam

    raiderpam Well-Known Member

    Thanks congraudulations on the score!!
  6. DaveLV

    DaveLV Well-Known Member

    I was going to post the whole link for you but it looked like it might have had some connection oriented info in the link. You can go to www.eloan.com and look at the bottom right side of the page where it says "free credit scores now available".
  7. DaveLV

    DaveLV Well-Known Member

    Ah.. you edited your post and took your question about the link to eloan out. :) Caught you!
  8. raiderpam

    raiderpam Well-Known Member

    Hi yes I found it , my score was 669 whatever that means my tu score was only 628 a couple of days ago.This is what mine said. Credit Usage: You are currently using more than 70% of your credit limit on 33% of your revolving account(s). This only includes your open accounts for which the credit limit/loan amount is available.

    This is making your score lower. High usage (balances above 50% of the credit line) are usually considered negative, because lenders worry that you may be using more credit than you can reasonably afford to repay. Being "maxed out" on a credit card (when your balance is close to or above the assigned limit) is especially negative. The more accounts in this situation, the more it impacts your score. Note that in some cases, such as very high credit scores, as little as 20% usage may have a negative impact, although minor. On the other hand, low usage is usually considered positive because it provides lenders with information on how you use credit, and because it shows that you do not need to use all of the credit available to you.

    Length of Credit History: You opened your first credit account 6 years and 6 months ago. This may not include accounts you closed more than 7 years ago.

    This is making your score lower. Having had credit accounts for a long time is a positive factor because your history gives lenders information to evaluate how you typically use credit and repay your debts. Credit reports with approximately 30 years of history are considered optimal. Meanwhile, up to 7 years of credit history is considered short, and less than 3 years of history is considered too little. It is worth noting that your accounts may have been open longer than your report suggests, if lenders were slow to report them to the bureaus. What matters is how long your accounts have been in your report.
  9. matty61184

    matty61184 Well-Known Member

    I tried to get mine for the heck of it. It gave me a score of 748, which ranks in the 70 percentile. Would you consider this good?

    About your credit score
    Credit scores are based on the information in your credit bureau record. The majority of CreditXpert Credit Scores(tm) are between 350 and 850. Higher scores are better. With a high score, you have a good chance of getting the credit and loan(s) you want. Keep in mind that when lenders consider a loan or credit application, they generally ask for more information because credit scores are not the only factor they use in making decisions. Typically, this includes personal data (such as income and monthly payments) used to determine your ability to pay.

    What your credit score means:
    Thanks to your very high CreditXpert Credit Score(tm), you are likely to get the very best credit and loan offers available from lenders, such as those with the lowest rates and the lowest (if any) fees. While you still may be able to increase your credit score, it will probably not make much of a difference on the type of offers you will get. The real differentiation between offers will come from the additional information you provide as part of your application(s), such as income and monthly payments. These factors will determine whether you can get the extra special low interest rate, high loan amount, and/or other great features.

    What this means to you:
    Both negative and positive factors influence your credit score. The most important factors are listed below, in order of importance. Remember that these factors vary in how strongly they impact your credit score. For example, if you have a very high credit score, the negative factors in your analysis are likely to have a small impact. The same is true for positive factors if you have a very low credit score.

    What factors lower your credit score:
    Length of Credit History: You opened your first credit account 1 year and 7 months ago. This may not include accounts you closed more than 7 years ago.

    This is making your score lower. Having had credit accounts for a long time is a positive factor because your history gives lenders information to evaluate how you typically use credit and repay your debts. Credit reports with approximately 30 years of history are considered optimal. Meanwhile, up to 7 years of credit history is considered short, and less than 3 years of history is considered too little. It is worth noting that your accounts may have been open longer than your report suggests, if lenders were slow to report them to the bureaus. What matters is how long your accounts have been in your report.

    What factors raise your credit score:
    Payment History: You have never missed a payment, and no negative public records are listed on your credit report.

    This is making your score higher. Missing payments is a negative factor. Some cases are worse than others. For example, if you have not missed any payments recently, lenders may think you have become responsible and will no longer miss payments. Also, missing payments on only a few accounts is not as harmful as missing payments on most or all of your accounts, because lenders realize that many people miss a payment (or pay late) once in a while. Also, missing a single payment is not as harmful as missing several consecutive payments because many lenders consider missing 3 or more consecutive payments as an indication that you may never repay them. Finally, it is not as harmful to miss payments on accounts with low balances rather than high ones because lenders stand to lose less money on low balances if they remain unpaid.

    Credit Accounts: You have 10 revolving account(s) listed in your credit report.

    This is making your score higher. Having accounts is a positive factor because it gives lenders information to evaluate how you pay your bills. However, having too many accounts is usually considered a negative factor because lenders worry that you are spending (or preparing to spend) beyond your means, even if you have not missed payments in the past. Also, if you do not have credit (a negative factor), obtaining your first credit cards may be difficult, and it may involve high fees and interest rates, as well as low credit lines. Note, finance trades (debt consolidation accounts with high interest rates) are considered a negative factor, because they are often associated with troubled credit histories.
  10. raiderpam

    raiderpam Well-Known Member

    No 748 is not good, the higher it is the worse.
  11. radiohead

    radiohead Well-Known Member

    a 748 with a 1 year, 7 month history? Thats amazing. Well i think its amazing :) Congrats!
  12. raiderpam

    raiderpam Well-Known Member

    I was just joking, thats great,
  13. LKH

    LKH Well-Known Member


    If you click on "get your free report" on the next page, it will say something to the effect of "your credit score was compiled with info from your TU credit report. Your free credit report will be from Equifax.

    PS - my Eloan score is 687.
  14. matty61184

    matty61184 Well-Known Member

    I checked TransUnion, and they only give me a 657. Go figure. Oh well, I think their score is virtually meaningless anyway. Good luck to everyone and happy credit healthiness to all!
  15. raiderpam

    raiderpam Well-Known Member

    never mind found it, thanks

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