Wow, State Farm VISA is FAST!

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by Ender, Feb 6, 2002.

  1. Ender

    Ender Well-Known Member

    I applied for it, got approval within an hour - found out the inquiry hit that day and the card was sent out the same day as approved.

    I also checked CE the next day and saw that it was reporting already as an account!
  2. Ron

    Ron Well-Known Member


    As soon as they set up the account and they started reporting. They reported mine to Experian for over a month now. I haven't seen they reported to my TransUnion or Equifax. I heard someone from this board and they report theirs to Equifax.

  3. cariba

    cariba Well-Known Member

    How do you apply for the card?

    Are the rates attractive? Annual fee?

  4. Ron

    Ron Well-Known Member


    State Farm Platinum Visa has 11.65% var and no annual fee. It has no instant approval and you knew the status of the application after three to four hours. Here is the link to apply:

    Platinum or Classic Visa®
    Annual Percentage Rate (APR) for Purchases 11.65%
    Other APRs Cash advance APR: 12.74%
    Penalty APR: 16.75%. See explanation below.*
    Variable-rate information Your APR for Purchase and Balance Transfers may vary. The Purchase rate (which includes Balance Transfers) is determined monthly by adding 6.90% to the Prime Rate** for Preferred Pricing (with a minimum APR of 9.99%) and by adding 12.00% to the Prime Rate**for Standard Pricing.* The Cash Advance rate is determined monthly by adding 7.99% to the Prime Rate ** for Preferred Pricing and by adding 12.00% to the Prime Rate ** for Standard Pricing.*
    Grace Period for repayment of balances for purchases 25 days
    Method of computing the balance for purchases Average daily balance (including new purchases).
    Annual Fees None
    Minimum finance charge $.50
    Transaction fee for purchases None
    Transaction fee for cash advances: 2% of amount of advance ($2 minimum, $50 maximum)
    Balance transfer fee: None
    Late-payment fee: $25.00
    Over-the-credit-limit fee: $25.00***

  5. Sub4Prime

    Sub4Prime Well-Known Member

    what was your score when you where approved?
  6. Ron

    Ron Well-Known Member


    I didn't know what experian score when I applied. I heard someone approved with 620. They pull credit from Experian.

  7. Ender

    Ender Well-Known Member

    I had a 750 on CE and got 10,000 as my limit.
  8. KHM

    KHM Well-Known Member

    Hey Ron-
    I applied for DH last night and he just called to check the status and they said it's still "pending", his score was a 651 BEFORE the SF inquiry now it's a 647, is this good or bad?!?! <keeping my fingers crossed>
  9. Geo

    Geo Well-Known Member

    My State Farm card is reporting to Experian and Equifax, non yet on TU.
  10. Ron

    Ron Well-Known Member


    I haven't checked my Equifax report since last month and I have monitoring service with They haven't posted my Equifax report yet. Thanks for the info. Have you ever heard from Evebank? I'm looking forward to hear the good news from you.

  11. Ron

    Ron Well-Known Member


    I don't know it is good or not and let say 50 and 50 chances. It means your application is still under review. I haven't checked the status of the application until the following. I applied mine on Dec 29 and I call them to check the status on Jan 1. They told me I was approved. I heard from Geo from this board and they asked him for additional docs to verify address. If they send you letter asking for additional stuff, they may give it to you. Good Luck.

  12. Ron

    Ron Well-Known Member

    Geo, just posted my Equifax report and State Farm Bank hasn't reported my account to EQ yet.

  13. tommyy

    tommyy Well-Known Member

    State Farm is reporting my card to EX and EQ and not TU!
  14. Geo

    Geo Well-Known Member

    Ron, My State Farm was reported to Experian one or two weeks before than Equifax. I have Equifax monitoring service and Privista.

    I think that is rare that you card is not in your Equifax report yet because I thinkyou received your card 2 weeks earlier than mine.

    In regards to Everbank they pulled Experian and TU for me. I have heard nothing from them yet. I will keep you informed. Thanks!!.
  15. Ron

    Ron Well-Known Member


    My State Farm Bank has been reported to my Experian for one month. It is strange they didn't report it to Equifax and sometimes it takes two months for them reporting to the bureaus. My Everbank hasn't been reported to any credit bureaus not even Experian and I hope that they report to the bureau unlike Generations Bank. Let me know whether Everbank approved or not. If they sent you a letter to ask for extra docs, you probably get the card like mine. I'm looking forward to hear good news from you. Thanks for your reply.


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