Chicken and the egg

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by lwg8tr, Feb 6, 2002.

  1. lwg8tr

    lwg8tr Well-Known Member

    My wife applied for a Cap1 Gold and was denied! They pulled Experian and she has a 690(which they pulled). Reasons for the denial were 1. Balances too high for credit limit 2. Not enough monthly payments 3.Too many accounts opened in the last 6 months

    Here the truth. She got their K-Mart card 3 months ago with a heartstopping $50 limit. Her Experian report showed she had used $39 of her $50 limit(paid two weeks ago). This is her one and only account opened in the last six months. She has 6 postives including one with BOA for an autoloan we paid off 6 months ago, no lates.

    Well we got the denial letter and she was steaming mad. We have worked very hard at cleaning up her credit and are on the way back. Well, she called and the stammering began, the rep we spoke with was flabbergassted. She explained how absurd the denial letter was and he seemed without any retort to our points. He put her on hold for an extended period and then a very matter of fact women came on the phone and preceeded to tell the wifey that yes all her points were valid but she is precluded from issuing a card because she simply did'nt have enough of an established history. Hmm I guess two open store cards with $0 balance and 48 month car loan paid to the nines is not good enough. She said call back in three months and they would consider a raise in her K-Mart card to a whopping $500. Went to PFB and 10 days later have yet to hear from Mr. Cooke.

  2. Dani

    Dani Well-Known Member

    She has a 690. Why in the heck is she messing with Cap One? A Kmart card with a $50 credit limit? Give me a break. I would tell them to stick that one up their ying yang. Apply for a Citibank then you can tell Cap One to kiss it.

  3. lwg8tr

    lwg8tr Well-Known Member

    690 was as of 3 weeks ago after 3 derogs removed. She was a 625 and was scared of too many inquires, so we let Mohammed come to the mountain, that's how she wound up with the K-Mart card. I will NOT do business with CitiBank, I had a nightmare with them 10 years ago and their attitude was unacceptable. We applied for MBNA and the rep told her wait 30 days for a response. She is extremely discouraged after the absolute war we have been with the likes of Collectech, Gulf States and AMEX in removing derogs. Credit repair is definitely not for the faint hearted.
  4. Dani

    Dani Well-Known Member

    I just suggested Citibank because a few of their cards are relatively easy to get and they offer decent credit lines. Any prime card will do. MBNA is a good one, Chase, BofA...anything to get her foot in the door. As long as she doesn't have any major derogs and only a couple of inquiries within the last six months she should have no problem.

  5. KHM

    KHM Well-Known Member

    Collectech Sux rotten eggs, thats all, class dismissed :)
  6. lwg8tr

    lwg8tr Well-Known Member

    Ready to go to war with them, KHM? We will give them the one two punch. I'm not sure if they responded to my demand letter. My reports still show a derog from them as well as my wife's Equisux as of yesterday. How freaking stupid can they be? All for a $47..yes that's right, paid collection from years ago. Let's do the math them $47---me $2000. This sounds like a good bargain to me. I called there a few days back, some person with a very strong Carribean accent answered, sounds like a definite boiler room to me with all the whooping and hollering going on in the background. The rep was so confused when I asked her if they recieved my fax and what they were going to do. She said..."Yaa you call back man in three days, wees has an answa fur ya."
  7. KHM

    KHM Well-Known Member

    I called there a week ago and said "you guys are f***ing up and breaking laws by trying to collect while I am disputing it" they said "the FIRST COLLECTION letter was our PROOF" I asked why the FDCPA allows me 30 days to dispute ANY part of it? He said "well if you just paid your bills" UGH!!! G*D D*MN F*CK*NG MORONS!!!
    I cant wait, they will get NO mercy from me what-so-ever.
    I'm thinking of filing against TU as well. They re-inserted a c/o on 1/25/02 and NEVER sent me my update, I called 2 days ago to point it out and they said "just fax over your letter from the creditor saying delete and we will delete it immediately, I did TWO DAYS AGO and it's still there!!!!
  8. lwg8tr

    lwg8tr Well-Known Member

    Yeah, they are a bunch of Harvard grads over there. I personally don't like getting into pis*ing contests on the phone. You are on their playing field playing by their rules. I had a lapse in judgement and called them after the demand letter. My blood pressure rose also. I think that's why the cease and desist works on most CAs. If they can't call you and badger, they lose their edge. Well I am preparing my suit this weekend and will wait the week to see if they do anything. Then I will drop the hammer. No freebie deletions anymore bucko, "Ya man yuz gunna pay some money na".
  9. radiohead

    radiohead Well-Known Member

    $50???? Never heard of such a thing.
  10. Brenda

    Brenda Well-Known Member

    Go to planetfeed back talk to mr Crooke and see if he can help you ,also try Chase bofa,target.I am not to crazy about Cap one they keep giving me low limit cards,but I need all the credit I can get.

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