Hello all, just got back from Vegas and boy is my wallet tired! Actually, the Patriots pulled it off for me. I had my secured UNB account since 1993. I had many lates (30 & 60 days). The account was purchased by Merrick bank on 07/2001. I cancelled the card with Merrick in October and have managed to have UNB removed from all cra's. The problem is, Merrick is showing a 30 day late in 07/00 and a 30 day in 10/99. Obviously, they are reporting information they received from UNB. I was going to dispute the lates but for some reason Merrick is still updating my reports on a monthly basis. I'm not sure on how to proceed. Should I dispute the lates, of course with the fear of Merrick re-inserting the incorrect information from UNB or wait until they stop updating the account before moving on? Since they are still updating the account are they still updating the late payments? Thanks in advance, Iv
I think if you have other credit problems, charge offs, med bills CA's etc, I would worry about those first. I would be curious what the others have to say. I HAD a Merrick card and the last time they updated was 6/00 (or 01?) but I KNOW it should say charge off and it says paid never late, so I'm gonna leave well enough alone. Sorry, hijacked your post for a minute. Those 30 day late pays won't matter much, if any after 2 years. What are your scores?
Thanks KHM, all of my scores are at the 700 level. The Merrick account is the only one older that 2 years. I wasn't sure whether or not to delete it or have it "paid never late". I'll probably leave it alone at least until they stop updating the account on a monthly basis. Iv