Sallie Mae take tax refund?

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by phxbbw6ft1, Feb 7, 2002.

  1. phxbbw6ft1

    phxbbw6ft1 Well-Known Member

    My friend has a Sallie Mae school loan, she got deferred when she had a baby. She still owes then like $360...they said they're going to take it out of her tax refund, can they do that? Thanks
  2. KHM

    KHM Well-Known Member

    Yes they can :(. Search older posts, I posted a phone number from FMS management, if she calls this number it will tell her if there are any agencies that may take her return. I *think* FMS is supposed to send her a letter stating whether or not someone may get her return.
    OH WAIT! If she's in deferrment I dont think they can take it. If she hasn't defaulted, theres no reason for them to bug her.
  3. phxbbw6ft1

    phxbbw6ft1 Well-Known Member

    Thanks for replying. She was planning to pay them when she got her return anyways. I was just wondering if they would really take it or not. Thanks:)

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