How is everyone doing? Made any Progress? How's the scores? Anyone graduated? (sorry so many questions)
YUP! Got approved for the Cap 1 Platinum for $500. and it raised my score on creditexpert from 558 to 614!
Since I started in the beginning of December 2001, I've raised most of my scores. Here they are. Dec 2001 Now CreditExpert (Experian) 540 591 Equifax 537 560 Trans Union ?? ?? Trans Union still has two scores for me, but those two scores also went up. The first two in December were 437 and 537. Now they're 472 and 655(I like that one a whole lot better). The first credit report (472) has 2 collection accounts(already sent validation letters and ready to send estoppel letters) and none of my credit cards and loans but the second one(655) has all of the credit cards and loans (positive) and one negative, a 30 day late on one of the car loans(which I'm currently working on to hopefully remove). After they update my report (it's in the disputing process) and merge (once again!),hopefully it will be in the 600s but I'll settle for high 500s instead of being back in the 400s. Hopefully I'll be in the 600 group by at least March or April. I've been paying on time lately and paying down two of my revolving lines, a credit card and an LOC from MBNA. Plus, I've had no inquiries in the past six months from all the CRAs. It's hard, but everytime I think of applying for something, I look at my credit That makes me rethink quick. Good luck to everyone also in the 500 group. Janet
Congrats on your approval, hermit, I am waiting to find out about my own platinum from Cap1 ! How long did it take to find out? Janet, My own scores started in the high 400s - You've had some major increases! Way to Go!
Hello everyone! I've been reading this board for about a month now, and just seriously started crackin down on these accounts! My husband and I are both in the 500 club, and our goal is to be in the 600 club by September of this year, and 700 by next Febraury! At that time, we will be ready to attempt to FINALLY purchase our own home! right now our scores are as follows: ME: EQ:502 EX:537 TU: 512 Hubby:EQ:527 EX:520 TU: 482 I appreciate all the input and support everyone has given on this board! I feel like this is a team effort to help everyone get back on the right track! Thank you all, and I will keep you posted on our results as we climb to the TOP!! Monij
monij, Our situations are surprisingly similar! My wife's scores are better than mine by a little and mine are on par with what you and your husband have. Plus, we want to buy a house in 2003. My goal is to be BBQing in MY backyard of MY home on July 4, 2003. Maybe we can form a partnership to see how eachother's progress is coming? I love doing this credit repair thaing, but sometimes I feel like I'm doing it alone...
Well I had a taste of the 600 club, but now with that CA reporting, I have dropped back to the 500 club! EXP SHOULD have gone up but went down 12 points, the day the CA started reporting my available credit went from 40% to 78%. TU, I can only imagine, I ordered my report Tuesday so as soon as I get it I will post. EQU I haven't bothered to check cause no one checks them for me, plus I'm done applying for credit until it's time to house shop.
I'm down with that! I know, I feel like I'm fighting this beast alone, but I have pinned up things around me that inspire me to reach my goal! I'm in Cali...what state are you in? Have you started the validation process? I got all three of our reports online, and have started disputing. My husband's should be easy to clear (fingers crossed) but mine will take a little more work! Keep in touch, and we will be crackin open the champagne when we're signing our closing papers!!!
Okay guys, My Experion score is 611 as of yesterday, with three public records still showing..... i am amazed!! I have disputed the public records and i am hoping that they remove at least one of them soon. these are judgements and i have had success getting them removed from my dh's reports. My EQ score is probably over 600 but i will not pay for new score until disputes come back next week. My TU score is 553 and I have disputes out and validation letters out. My TU score is the one everyone pulls around here so i am really trying to clean it up. I am happy though because i started out in Oct. My TU score was in the 400's and my others were in the low 500's.
What a great accomplishment in just 4 months! I can't wait!!! Patience, diligence and perserverence are the keys to success!
I'm in Pennsylvania I began disputing around 9/01 and have just begun validating. Actually, I've got a bottle of Johnnie Walker Blue Label with my name on it for that wonderful day! Andrew
Count me in as a member of this club! All my scores range between 525-550. Sometimes I feel like a ding-dong - asking all these questions, but that is the only way to learn. After I put my children in bed at night, I stay up and search and search and search for posts similar to the things that I need help with. Let's keep each other up to date on how we're all doing. Maybe a weekly check in for 500 clubbers. That would be cool. KHM - This is the only club I can think of that I really would like to be booted out of! Ha! You'll hit 600 soon. Thanks for all the helpful advice you've given me. Good luck to everyone!
And we will be happy to give you the boot!!! I can't wait till we're all sittin'round, moaning about our lowly 600 scores & how to get to 700!!
I'd be more than happy to check in and see how we're fairin this battle! I agree when we get to the 600's, we will still be unsatisfied until 700's and then we will be beggin to be in the 800's! Anything is possible!
I know what - we can make it a "599 and under club". That way, nobody gets left out. I am sure, though that you are not the only one with scores in the 400's. I started out at 498 on one of mine, so don't feel bad. You can be in our club!