When I started my repairing process my mother decided to get copies of her CR's also. She has excellent credit but I told her she might want to keep a close eye out and get copies every so often just to keep track of everything since they screw up so badly. She got her copy from TU and mailed off a dispute on Jan. 28, 2002 (She DID NOT CRRR like I told her to). She got a letter from them on Feb. 01, 2002 stating that she would hear back from them around March 10, 2002 and If she has not by the 10th to contact them. WTF. Told her to CRRR. I bet she will listen to me next time. I told her that I got the CRRR information from the #1 site on net but she did'nt believe me!!
looks like they added a bunch of time for mail delays. she can call ask what day they received the dispute if it is not on the letter. she can say that the law gives them thirty days and that is what they are getting!
But she still has no proof, can't they tell her anything since she did not CRRR. She got a little pissy with me when I said "told ya, they're making you wait so they can get us people out of the way since we have proof (CRRR) when they received and who signed".