TU called yesterday and said a new updated report was being mailed to me and they were quite sure I would be satisified with it. They said if I wasn't to call back immediately and let's discuss it before I file the lawsuit. Hopefully it will be here tomorrow and I will call them and ask where is my check as well. Experian just called and is ready to settle. They said they want to avoid court at all costs and will be calling me back next week. I didn't have my information at work with me, so I couldn't discuss much. Equifax is filed and I caved and sent them a settlement letter as well. Hopefully they will quickly respond to that offer. I might be "clean" sooner than I think A special thanks to Doc, Lizardking, LKH, Marie and Ender for your personal experiences, help and information. An overall thanks to everyone on the board for support and listening to me bitch, moan and whine
Christi or anyone: Where is the original thread describing your lawsuits? I need all the info I can get to fight EQ. Thanks.
see this is what i am talking about! i am glad you are kicking butt! I see high 600's in your very near future!
I had it removed because I think I was giving TMI. As soon as it's all completed I will post details. I am just leary that my big mouth talks too much and they might know who I am I should know and be able to post about TU and Experian by mid-week. Equifax is still in a holding process right now. However, I have a year long paper trail, fax confirmations, email correspondence from 3 people and more to back me up. To top it off they have just re-inserted 2 items that were removed in early 2001 or late 2000. The 5 days is past and no notification from them. They are digging deeper and deeper so I just hand them the shovel and let 'em go....
Christy, This is so awesome to hear, congrats - weren't you about ready to give up at some pont?........I wish I didn't need to say this, but to be honest I think I'm about to give up though (I must have sent out like 8 validation letters and nobody can validate, yet nothing has been removed from my reports NOTHING!!!! -Sal
Christi: way to go! I knew you'd do it. Sal: I think people here sometimes expect that you should just send the validation/estoppel letters, and voila, like magic your old alleged debts will disappear. Unfortunately it usually doesn't work that way. The real purpose of these letters is to establish a paper trail which documents the CA's violation of law, particularly the FDCPA. Once you have given them every opportunity to abide by the law by satisfying your lawful requests for debt validation, and they subsequently fail to abide by the law every step of the way, you then have a wonderful case to take to court. It's at that point -- after you have filed the suit and they have received a summons -- that they practically always back down. This process requires you to learn, to be tenacious, to be aggressive, to not back down, and to stick with it through completion. I wish it was as easy as sending a few letters and watching the alleged debts fall away. Sometimes that happens, by the way. But that's not the norm. I think Christi's example (although different from yours in the details) perfectly illustrates the guts it takes to see things through. Incidentally, she almost gave up too, but changed her mind at a pivotal moment. Once you've hit the bottom with frustration and you just don't care about anything except seeing the SOBs lose, that's when you've got your best chance of success, and we all watched Christi move through those stages. Doc
Doc is correct. In my clean up experience, out of the 7 0r 8 validations I have sent, I received 2 responses. The 1st one I ever sent out replied with a letter stating they were closing their books on the acct. and deleting it from the cra's, which they did. The second response was from gulf schmucks, 5 1/2 months after the 1st letter to them. They wanted copies of my drivers license, social security card and my signature 5 times. What a joke. So, mostly they will not respond, which is what you want, next to an admission that they have no proof.
Ok Everyone, I'll try and keep my head up through all this. But my main worry right now is that school loan I've been stuck with (I couldn't pay them what they wanted, so I had to bail, then the school ended up closing down anyway - I'm now sitting with a defaulted $15,000 loan, completely destroyed credit, and I just now find out by the way that my tax returns are being siezed) As you can see, I'm not too happy at the moment. -Sal
Sal, defaulted student loans can be rehabilitated. You need to telephone the Department of Education first thing Monday morning to find out how. 1-877-557-2575 That's the DOE's Ombudsman line which helps tackle problems just like yours. Please keep us posted how it goes. Doc
YOU GO GIRL...!!!!! Sorry I haven't been able to post much and keep up w/you like I wanted to..!! I've been on bed rest and all that good CRAP!! If you can please e-mail me so I can keep up w/you! You know my situation...... I might be able to get some pointers from you .... IF you don't mind!
Great news, Christi! Looks like it will all be over soon! I'm going to think of you after I file mine and feel like giving up. You stuck in there and prevailed. CONGRATULATIONS! (Yes, I am shouting )