creditxpert question

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by jrjr35, Feb 7, 2002.

  1. jrjr35

    jrjr35 Well-Known Member

    I checked my score through creditxpert from data from my TU report. It said my score was 693. What does this approximately translate to an actual fico score.

  2. liesel

    liesel Active Member

    I may be wrong but I belive creditexpert pulls Experian. In any case, the difference between my two scores is about 20 points, with the creditexpert score being higher. My FICO score is the lowest one of the 3 for me.
  3. Michael

    Michael Member

    I think that jrjr35 is correct, creditxpert is TU. Creditexpert is Experian.

    Regarding the scores - if you look, everybody's scores vary quite a bit from each agencies.
  4. tmitchell

    tmitchell Well-Known Member

    Creditxpert (not creditexpert) is from TU (eloan score)

    Creditexpert is Experian's score.

    Neither is FICO
  5. the other

    the other Well-Known Member

    CreditXpert is also used by TrueCredit for both TU and Experian reports.

    Credit Expert is Experian.

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