They are calling me back Monday to discuss in more detail since I didn't have my files with me at work. Should I tell them details on the violations (specifics) or simply state I have substantial proof they have violated the FCRA and if they want details we need to proceed to court. I really don't think I should tell them everything, but I want to do the right thing. I want deletions and some money!!
I would not tip my hand all the way.... you may want to illustrate how much of a paper trail you have developed w/o disclosing your entire case. I think they are probably wanting to settle and you just need to help them justify it.
Thanks Diva....I have all my ducks in a row, but don't want to disclose all I have to them, in case we do go to court. Yesterday she tried to do some crawfishing and I had to remind her what the FCRA says
I agree with Diva. I don't think I'd offer them too much information. They may try to use that against you. I give them just enough so that they know you mean business. I'm coming into this discussion a little late... Did you file a lawsuit and they contacted you before court? Just curious just in case I may have to go that route. Anyway...good luck. I hope you get some high dollars!!
Sam You are correct. They have contacted me to settle, they want to avoid court "at all costs" is what she said. I am willing to settle for deletions of accounts in question and I asked for 2 freebie deletions and some CA$H!! I may just state "my lawyer advised me to not disclose everything, my settlement offer still stands if you are interested". I'll see what they say to that.
That's the way I would play it. Otherwise, you've come this far....take 'em to court! Especially now that you know they'd prefer to settle out of court. Make them sweat a little. Please keep us's nice to read about successful stories. Again, good luck.
Lizardking, It's what do I do? Not tell them anything? Just say my lawyer advised me NOT to discuss it, but my settlement offer still stands if they are interested and leave it at that?
EXP, you are probably having an easier time with them because I won against them in court in December.. lol. Good luck Christi..
Hi, I gotta question. I'm in the same boat (filed small claims against the 3 CRAs). My court dates are coming up soon, but no one has yet to contact me. Experian just sent me a standard investigation letter stating the items I listed in the suit were verified and will remain. Is this just standard practice? I am definately prepared to go to court, but would obviously prefer to settle out of court. Did all of you who have been down this road get contacted before the court date or did you actually have to go to court? Thanks, Moe
I faxed a settlement offer to Experian. Equifax I mailed one certified to the registered agent who was served for them. TU I never had to file on them, they want to avoid a lawsuit and court "at all costs" so they are working with me and sent an updated report, they feel I will be most satisified with it, but if not they say call immediately *BEFORE* I go file the lawsuit. I'll update what I can when I can.
NO I hope it's in the mail Monday. They said it was mailed from California Thursday. I am very curious.
Yes I attatched a settlement letter with the lawsuit that was served. Funny thing is, the process serving agent really liked the dispute letter and said he wish he would have done the same with Experian. I guess he ended up paying higher points on a home loan because of a couple of negative items on his credit that were not valid. Glad to hear TU is so cooperative. So how did you get them to take you seriously without filing against them? Moe