CCB/GulfState MAJOR screwups...

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by monij2000, Feb 7, 2002.

  1. monij2000

    monij2000 Well-Known Member

    OK experts.... please guide/advise on this one....

    Have c/o acct w/ Cross country 12/96, which was sold to Gulf State and is being reported outrageously wrong on all 3 reports as follow:

    EXP: (3 different entries)

    Cross Country Bank (reporting TWICE/2 different Acct#'s and 2 different balances (off by $10))
    one says charge off as of 7/97 (to remain until 2/04 (?)and the other says c/o 5/99-1/01 (to remain until 2/5)

    Gulf State Credit
    Collection acct/ past due 10/01 (to remain until 12/03 (this would be accurate since it c/o on 12/96)

    EQU: (2 Entries)

    Cross Country Bank
    Status: Charged off 12/00 (?)

    Gulf State
    Status: Collection
    C/O 12/01 (?)

    TU: (1 Entry)
    Cross Country Bank
    DLA: 12/96

    (Gulf not reporting)

    Now, I am ready to fire off validation letters, is this the first step I should take??? Please analyze/advize HELP!!!! I'm sure there are some serious violations here!
  2. monij2000

    monij2000 Well-Known Member

    help! I know the experts are lurkin! :)
  3. monij2000

    monij2000 Well-Known Member

  4. uniondiva

    uniondiva Well-Known Member

    are you also going to dispute these accounts with the cra's. I would do both and maybe wait a week after you have mailed your validation letters.... if they verify the accounts when you have requested validation you have them on a violation.
  5. monij2000

    monij2000 Well-Known Member

    I disputed the all online this morning w/ cra...I shoulda sent validation letters first, but I will do that tomorrow!
  6. Terry

    Terry Well-Known Member


    Make sure you send your requests for validation certified rr. You need to start creating an audit trail. Chances are, Gulf State Credit won't validate the debt. They're going to ignore your request. Make sure you send the estoppel letter at the 30 day mark.

    Just remember, If they don't respond in 30 days, they must remove the tradeline. You disputed the tradelines, make sure you send your validation request certified.

    Lay and wait for them! They will either not respond or send you some sort of letter telling you they're investigating. Remember 30 days, then nail them!

    Make sure, around the 30 day mark, you file a complaint with your Attorney General. If they don't respond to your request, it doesn't matter if the debt is legit or not, they're inviolation!

    Good Luck.

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