Marriott VISA is First USA? Okay, good to know.. I just applied for their Yahoo card.. I am going to have TONS of inquiries from First USA and MBNA.. lol
Ender, Did they approved for Yahoo! Card? I got approved instantly on-line for $2000 about two years ago. Ron.
No, I was not approved instantly online for the Yahoo card.. it said that I would find out within 30 days. I did see an inquiry from first state on my Experian report but not on TU. I can't really check EQ.. so i'm not sure about that.. so from what I see, they checked EXP at a minimum. I now have about 11 inquiries on my EXP report... I am disputing every single one right now via CE. My score is still roughly around 740 though.. Hopefully I won't start getting denied for too many inquiries..
Ender, First USA only pulled credit from Experian not TU and EQ. I think they pulled soft inquiry from TU for account review. I'm sorry to hear you got denied. Your CE score is a good score. I think you can remove inquiries from disputing and I disput mine six inquiries within a month. Ron.
Hi Ron - Actually, I haven't gotten denied from yahoo YET! It just said I would find out within 30 days what the status would be.. I tried calling, but no status on the account or awareness.. SO I guess I'll just wait that one out. I will apply for this marriott VISA today and see how that goes.. I am disputing 11+ inquiries all at the same time at EXP right now.. =)
It's good that they pulles EX because 99% of the time they will delete the inquiries. Why can't TU and EQ be that easy to delete inq.? I just don't understand, Both used to be easy. I have only had one verified through EX out of hundreds. It was OSI, supposedly the worst CA in the nation....I don't even have a collection with them. Crazy...........Charlie
Some I do. I use fax, CE, letters and the phone. Like I say, I got about 10 inquiries off for a guy and then the OSI was verified. I think they are checking his CR since I have gotten a bunch of CA's deleted. I think Bud Hibbs says that OSI is the worst to work with from our standpoint. Charlie