PLEASE HELP! @@#%$!! Trans Union

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by betacredit, Feb 10, 2002.

  1. betacredit

    betacredit Well-Known Member

    I am still trying to calm down so words maybe missing or misspelled.

    I did an online dispute 1/11/02. It was due today 2/10/02. I just checked my transunion report and almost fell off the chair!! My score went from a 614 to 586. NO accounts were deleted. Only the 30&60 day lates from "goodwill letter".

    To make matters worse these @#$%!! people added a consumer statement "Do not confuse with consumers of similar identification; verify all identifying information". I have never even written to these people. I am so mad!!

    This is what I disputed: an incorrect address - taken off.

    3 collections as "this is not my account".
    1 account as closed and never late.
    1 account I paid before charge-off/collection.
    1 account as " I requested this account to be closed not the credit grantor".

    I don't think they verified anything.

    The only difference I can see is my score went down from 614 1/11 to 586 2/10, (back in the 500 club!) they added a consumer statement that I did not and they updated ASSet as disputed - that's it!

    The paid collections are still open, the one account I requested to be closed that is actually closed is still open.

    What do I do now, I wanted to buy a house this summer, I guess I'll just look forward to renewing my lease.

    I know some people are going to say sue but I don't have them on any violations, do I?

    I know LizardKing has dealt with them before, successfully. It's a TransUnion affiliate.

    Does anyone have any ideas?? You can email me if you like, it's turned on.

    I'm ready to give-up at this point, it seems futile. I'll just wait until 2004 when, everything falls off. I'm so sad, trying not to cry . :-(
  2. uniondiva

    uniondiva Well-Known Member

    first thing is to calm down. this is how these cra's want us to react with emotion, unable to logically look at next steps.

    if i understand you correctly, your score dropped but you do not know if they really verified your collection accounts.

    for the paid collections, have you tried contacting the creditor directly or with the nutcase letter. I got one of my paid chargeoffs deleted just by asking the creditor to send a UDF to cra' s.

    for the other collections, have you sent validation letters? If they are unable to validate, you may get this removed also. You still have time, continue to look for your house. DO NOT GIVE UP!!!
  3. LKH

    LKH Well-Known Member

    The TU score is a bunch of crap. It is not a legitimate score so I wouldn't worry too much about that. Why don't you go to E-Loan and check there. I bet it's a lot higher.

    GHONEYHONE Well-Known Member

    they added the exact consumer statement to mine as well how do you get that removed???
  5. betacredit

    betacredit Well-Known Member


    I am not going to give up. I was thinking irrationally and emotionally.

    I have sent validation letters and last week I sent estoppel letters.

    I cehcked e-loan last week and it was the score as it was before the "investigation" - 614.

    I am really at a loss on what to do.......does someone have an angle for me?

    I am ready to go to court, I already know the procedures to file and get them served. I don't know if I could sent a settlement letter with the serve.

    What is my recourse???
  6. betacredit

    betacredit Well-Known Member

  7. OtherTerri

    OtherTerri Well-Known Member

  8. Brenda

    Brenda Well-Known Member

    The key is to write & write also push the court thing.

    GHONEYHONE Well-Known Member

    but how do you get the consumer statement removed
  10. aigle

    aigle Well-Known Member

    "first thing is to calm down. this is how these cra's want us to react with emotion, unable to logically look at next steps"

    No I don't think that's right. They are not out to get us, they are inept.
  11. Brenda

    Brenda Well-Known Member

    you write them and tell them to remove that statement now, if you did not ask for it to be put on then it should not be there!
  12. Calmest_LA

    Calmest_LA Well-Known Member


    TU sent me my new PERFECTLY clean report today...with ONE exception. They also added the same statement to mine as they did to yours.

    Under Consumer Statement, my report reads: " Please don't confuse with others with similar names. Verify all personal information."

    Well, I did NOT ask them to add this consumer statement to my file, but I'm thinking that it doesn't hurt anyway. I mean, who reads the consumer statement anyhow?

    I do, however, plan to have them remove it for the simple fact that I did not ask to add a statement of any kind to my it's not my statement...not a consumer statement anyhow.

    But for now, I am thoroughly enjoying my new clean report. I see this statement thing as a minor issue...easy to remove. But then again, who knows?

    If you run accross any info about this consumer statement b.s., please let me know. I will also let you know if I discover anything. I think TU must have a new policy of adding this statement if any accounts are disputed.

  13. breeze

    breeze Well-Known Member

    A while back they added a statement to my report that I did not request. I wrote them and said I never requested a statement, please remvoe it - they did.
  14. betacredit

    betacredit Well-Known Member

    Thank you, very much for the suggestions.

    I was going to wait until I get the completed update from my "investigation" and see what's on that. This is my first time doing a dispute with TU so I'm not familiar with their procedures. I have done a search on this particular affiliate and from what I've read they are horrible.

    Then, I was going to request the procedure used to investigate or I was going to intitate another investigation but this time send it CRRR.

    Then, if they send a frivalous letter, I was going to file a FTC complaint and take further action.

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