Hello, can someone recommend a wireless service. My Beacon, EQ (Fico) is 671-680. With your recommondation can you tell me which bureau is pulled and necessary score to be approved with no deposit. I've never carried a cell phone in my name. My wife has one thru Verizon but has some credit issues with old student loans and were looking to cancel Verizon (terrible service)..I want to get one in my name only. Please recommend.Thanks!
tommyy, I have service thru Sprint PCS. I have had the service for about 3 years. No major problems for me. The service has been reliable and I have had no billing problems. They are trying to gain market share right now, so I think they are VERY lenient regarding past credit issues. A friend of mine who has not so good credit, recently got service without a deposit. Your score is pretty good, so you shouldn't have any problem at all and I bet you would be approved to have more than one phone connected on your account (for you and your wife). Some have said that customer service is not that great, but to be truthful, I have not had any issues. I have only had to call them maybe 3-4 times, but each time was a pleasant experience. They have great internet access. You can pay your bill by credit or debit card or by check. The payment is usually posted to your account within 24 hours. You can view and download a bill and order additional products or services. Additional features are available for a small fee like .... wireless web access and voice command. I have both and have been very pleased with the services. Service plans include voicemail, caller ID, 3-way calling, call forwarding and long distance. You may want to check the website for specials at www.sprintpcs.com. I think they did have a special when you activated your phone on the web, you would recieve a service credit to cover activation. Hope this helps. Good luck!!
I agree with all above except the information about their website. It's VERY problematic. Give you a variety of errors when trying to sign-in and use the services after that. Otherwise the phones are expensive and the service is good. If you dont travel out of the area, some of the "local" companies might be better.
They advertise "BUILT FROM THE GROUND UP"...but they actually admitted (WEB SITE) they have very SPOTTY service for COLORADO... I have VOICESTREAM...4 LINES.
STAY AWAY FROM SPRINT. That's all I have to say.. they are the worst wireless phone provider--at least in Houston. Their customer service is horrible, their record-keeping is equally bad. I was set up for automatic payment and there were times my credit card would be charged, but not credited to my account. Whenever I called "customer care", there would always be a 30+ min hold time. My sprint phone wouldnt work in my house, and it wasn't the phone because I got numerous replacement phones... I would receive voicemail several hours later when the phone never rang. I am now with Verizon and couldn't be happier. The customer service is great and so is the phone service.. no matter how easy it is to get credit, AVOID SPRINT. You'll thank me later...
tommyy, i was approved for up to 2 phones through voicestream via an email from inphonic. i have had it about a month and no problems at all i got a nokia 3390 w/aol instant message 500 anytime mins free long distance 50 ping pong messages 39.99 a month the phone was free but i had to pay 9.95 shipping. in AZ they pulled transunion and if i sound a bit excited it is because my TU score is 455!
To properly answer your question, it would be beneficial to know where you live. Each service provider works differently, and offers different types of service with varying technological capabilities. The major ones are of course: Sprint, Verizon, and Voicestream. I live in Iowa, and thus have Iowa Wireless, which is a break-off of Voicestream. Voicestream owns about 20% of the company, but it operates on a totally separate limb. They offer the GSM 1900Mhz technology. I can send and receive email, forward calls, conference up to 5 other numbers, get caller id, call waiting etc, from them. Many of the providers are now developing their digital technology, and it is still too soon to see who will come out on top. Competition is fierce right now, and you should definitely be able to find some good deals out there. If I was you, I would look for the best deal and make sure the company has a favorable reputation. Your credit score will give you little or no trouble when getting a phone. Good luck.
I've tried them all. I currently use AT&T wireless. They gave me an open account when I just filed a bk-13. That was about 5.5 years ago. Some good things about AT&T- I can change my plan without penalty. I currently pay $50.00 for 700 day mins. unlimited nights/weekends and toll free long distance. The reception in Illinois is decent, much better than Sprint and Nextel. I am able to use my phone just about anywhere in the US, as I drive out of state often. The website is fast and you can pay online. Customer service (24/7) is good and they do answer the phones fairly fast as oppose to Prime Co. AT&T does report but looks like only for a short time only. As some posters and myself have noticed that this tradeline has been dropped from our respective CRs. Best regards, Mirage
Just got ATT. It does not work. Terrible service. I get cut off just calling customer service. Spent most of last week trying to get my problem resolved and they can't help. I have had Sprint and they have great service. But, if I want to upgrade to another plan or to add a phone, I have to go into one of their stores. They will not do it over the phone.
Sprint PCS was NOT a good service for me.. Virgina. Billing errors continually, dropped calls, plain old RUDE service people if you could get one on the phone.. 30 min wait.. I've just switched to Verizon.. havn't had it long enough to prove.. but at least I can get a signal from home.. taking advatage of weekend and night minutes.. when I mention this to SPRINT. the rep said, WELL IT IS A CELLULAR SERVICE.. YOU ARE NOT SUUPPOSED TO USE IT FROM HOME!! Check my shared letter as well as others at planetfeedback.com. Cherie
I have had much better service from Verizon. I gave up ATT and Sprint. No dropped calls, sounds better. John
Yup. I'm glad at least 2 people agree! I could not use my sprint phone at all from home. It was strictly outdoors. What a POS.. I can talk on my verizon phone for hours at a time without getting cut off...
I have Sprint as well. Their customer service is the WORST I have ever encountered. However their rates are pretty good. EdG
USA TODAY... "18% SAY CELL IS THEIR NO. 1 PHONE" ...nearly 5 million U. S. households by 2006 will not rely on their home phone as their No. 1 communication device--costing today's telecom giants nearly $9 billion in revenue. *------------------------------------------------------------------------------* MANY PEOPLE HAVE A CELL PHONE AS THEIR ONLY PHONE (I WORK WITH SOME)
my Cell is my only phone, I list it as my home phone... this will probably change when I move in with the Girlfriend...
Matty, I live in the Cleveland, Ohio area. We seem to have all the vendors except Voicestream. Closest office is Toledo or Columbus both 2 hours away by car. Their web-site looks like the best bet to obtain service from if I were to go with them. Is Voicestream a fly by night company? Thanks to all of you for your feedback!!
tommyy Is Voicestream a fly by night company? ------------------------------------------------------------------------ NO, unless they get BOUGHT by VERISON, SPRINT, AT&T, or MCI...
The best answer has more to do with where you will be using the phone. As you can see by the numerous posts, what one person thinks is great, another thinks is terrible. Not that one person is lying and another isn't, they may both be accurate because many carriers have strong signals in some areas than others. Your credit score should be strong enough to be approved by any of the carriers with little or no security deposit. In my opinon, if Nextel offers good coverage in your area, they are the ones to go with. Decent plans start at $39.95/month and up. Unlimited incoming call plans start at just $69.95/month. No roaming or long distance on many of their plans. Nextel is the only carrier featuring direct connect two way radio for instant contact to other nextel users. later this year, Nextel expects to go Nationwide with direct connect. Currently it is available in regional areas. Before deciding on a carrier, you need to determine two things... #1, how good is the coverage in your usage area and #2, how much will you be using the phone. Based on those two questions, you will be able to make an educated decision. Ask friends and associates which phones they recommend and why they recommend them. Don't always take the word of the cellphone store sales associate as they normally push the brands they sell regardless of how good the service is.
When my wife was back home in CALIFORNIA, she had perfect service everywhere except at her mothers house...my mothers house in the same city is fine...even inside the house. I havn't had any problems except in billing...