Possible problem???

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by whatever, Feb 11, 2002.

  1. whatever

    whatever Well-Known Member

    I just received the typical dunning letter from a collection agency, stating that within 15 working days. they will recommenf legal action. Possible problems to this:

    #1 letter is dated 7 days prior to postdate from state several states from mine. I recieved letter less than 2 weeks ago, but "looking" at orginal letter, would state different.

    #2. This collection agency does not show up on my credit report, none of the three and this debt is ongoing due to nature of the debt and more than 10 years old. The agency just demands payment for last 7 years. Old debts past the 7 year mark, do dissapear, on this said account.

    Discrepancy? suggestions?
  2. BruteForce

    BruteForce Well-Known Member

    the debt is more than 10 years old? check the SOL for your state.
  3. whatever

    whatever Well-Known Member

    Yes debt owed is ongoing, will be ongoing for years. The debt increases each year by X amount, but any debt past 7 years is taken off. It just does not show up on my credit report anywhere.
  4. uniondiva

    uniondiva Well-Known Member

    debt is ongoing??? what kind of debt is it? is this a judgement or something.... every debt has a sol unless it is a tax debt or student loan
  5. lbrown59

    lbrown59 Well-Known Member

    They have to give you 30 not 15 days to dispute.
  6. lbrown59

    lbrown59 Well-Known Member

    Good ?????
  7. whatever

    whatever Well-Known Member

    Funny thing, got another letter stating that DEBT WILL NOT GO AWAY, yada, yada, yada...... dated same as the 15 day letter. along with disclaimer at bottom of letter that is collection agency trying to collect a debt, any info obatined, etc
    The debt is assocation fees added every year for a timeshare bought with ex,,,,,yeah stupid idea. Timeshare paid in full and no lates for that account, (purchase of timeshare itself) just the late assocaition fees or whatever they call it. BTW, this late fees and collection agency??? trying to collect these fees, do not show up on credit report. Bought timeshare about 15 years ago, have never used the darn thing either. 51 other people pay the same assocaition fees for their week as well. (52 weeks in a year)
    Ex co-signed this loan, but collecting from ex is another story. Ex owes tons of money to IRS, lawyers, credit cards, you name it, but ex also makes a substanial amount of money per year as well. This so called collection agency does not go after the co-signer, claiming they cannot find them! if only I could be that sneaky.
  8. whatever

    whatever Well-Known Member

    The 30 days???? This starts from date of letter, date of postmark on letter sent or date of receipt of letter? Date on letter and date of postmark sent are about a week apart. i say, this is a way for collections to screw you more than what they do. I could be wrong and often am, seeking answers so i do not appear stupid.
    Validation, not werify with them correct? OK, say they validate and they send back contracts signed by ex and myself. What else should I demand for validation and look for? Suggest settlement? Or is this something, I can let go for a time, to see what happens? Collection attempts not on credit report and payment for timeshare is excellent standing. Was a montly draft from checking account, so they got paid on time, every month till end of contract.
    I do not feel that i should pay for services not rendered, yes signed contract, but after all this time I mean at least 10 to 15 years of not using the blasted thing, they should offer some sort of settlement. or am I wrong in this thought process????
    I can sue ex in court for part or all of this, but heck, ex does not pay other back accounts, what makes me think they will pay this one? Plus all they have to do is file bankruptcy and they are done with this debt and I am left holding the bag.
  9. lbrown59

    lbrown59 Well-Known Member

    Date of receipt of letter.

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