Citibank platinum Dividend

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by nyyanks81, Feb 10, 2002.

  1. nyyanks81

    nyyanks81 Well-Known Member

    I have a Citibank platinum select and would it be a wise idea to convert it to platinum dividend to take advantage of the cash back? Will Citibank allow converting the platinum select to platinum select dividend without opening up another account or can I keep the same account #?
  2. DaveLV

    DaveLV Well-Known Member

    I don't think you'll have any problems converting. There is an APR penalty because the Dividend card is considered a "rewards" card. I have both the Platinum Select and Dividend cards. My APR on my Platinum Select is a full point lower than the Dividend.

    If you're not planning on keeping a balance you probably should convert.
  3. nyyanks81

    nyyanks81 Well-Known Member

    I pay in full every month so the balance is $0.

    GEORGE Well-Known Member

    CITIBANK PLATINUM DIVIDEND 0.00% BT TILL 12/01/2002..."GO-TO" 10.99%

    1-800-891-4253 BEFORE 04/15/2002

    $300 maximum per year
  5. nyyanks81

    nyyanks81 Well-Known Member

    The age of my platinum select is almost gonna be 1 year so if i convert it to dividend it will not go back to zero right? The age of the account will be transferred over right?

    GEORGE Well-Known Member

    My AAGOLD was converted to PLATIMUM SELECT with the same #...(BDD)

    GEORGE Well-Known Member

    I have NO IDEA if I traded to DIVIDEND if I would get a BT, either...(by E-MAIL) I have NO BT available for my it's collecting lint.
  8. Ron

    Ron Well-Known Member


    My brother orginally had Citibank Platinium Select Card and he requested to convert to Sony Card. They gave the same number and they didn't pull any hard inquiry.

  9. nyyanks81

    nyyanks81 Well-Known Member

    How about if I keep the student platinum select and apply for the student dividend platinum select? Will I have a larger CL on the dividend to start off with? When I first got the platinum select the CL was 1500, will Citibank start off the dividend higher or lower than 1500?
  10. nyyanks81

    nyyanks81 Well-Known Member

    I am currently in college. I currently have 2 cards (Discover and Citi platinum select) in good standing. Will applying for another credit card (Citi DIVIDEND platinum select) right now look bad? The 2 cards I currently have are 1 month away from being 1 year old.
  11. nyyanks81

    nyyanks81 Well-Known Member


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