Hi Guys/Gals: You will NOT believe this! I disputed my last three negatives with TU and ALL WERE DELETED!!!!! I finally have one report 100% clean! I disputed these same three items with EQ and they said they verified them and they'll remain on report! What a bunch of bull malarkey. I'm wondering if I can send the TU report as supporting evidence for my case. Calmest_LA (doing the happy dance)
Congratulations!!!! What's your secret? TU is trying to screw me, big time. They are on my hit list along with ASSet. Did you investigate online, fax or by letter? Is this TU or an affiliate?
Betacredit, I disputed online. Later on, I tried to get my report again but was blocked for some strange reason! So I then figured they must have thought my dispute was frivolus or something. I didn't know what to think. Now here it is 33 days later, and they were deleted I am soooo happy!!!!! Calmest_LA
Wow, this is great news!!! It makes a difference emotionally to have a "clean" report. Then you just have to focus on getting rid of your debt & doing other things that will improve your score. You were moaning not too long ago; I'm happy for you