
Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by sam1014, Feb 11, 2002.

  1. sam1014

    sam1014 Well-Known Member

    I sent a dispute letter in November and most of the items were verified. I sent another letter, as I was told I could dispute as much as I'd like and they sent me a letter saying they were not going to investigate because it was already done. Any suggestions as to how I should handle this?
  2. sam1014

    sam1014 Well-Known Member

  3. liesel

    liesel Active Member

    I would say wait a couple of months and dispute again. Are you sending demand letters to your individual creditors? If you send a few letters certified mail return receipt (first the demand, then the estoppel), you can send copies of this correspondence to the credit bureaus showing they are not validating and that they must delete. Other than that I think a lot of it is just dumb luck.
  4. OtherTerri

    OtherTerri Well-Known Member

    They have to investigate, there is a letter here somewhere for that, I think. Good luck!
  5. Brenda

    Brenda Well-Known Member

    Tu pull that stuff at first they would not remove any thing so I sent them a harder late. Tell them you may go to court, File a complaint with FCRA. Do not wait I sent seven letter in 7 days and got about 9 or ten inquiries remove my score went from 629 to 669 I start in Nov,. But the key is to write and write . You have to let them know you will go to court over this. CRA hate court.
  6. LKH

    LKH Well-Known Member

    What is a harder late and how do you file a complaint with the FCRA?
  7. bailey

    bailey Well-Known Member

  8. Calmest_LA

    Calmest_LA Well-Known Member

    ROFLMAO! I love to read Brenda's posts after a long HARD day at work :)

  9. Brenda

    Brenda Well-Known Member

    I never file one I just write in my letter I can.I got 9 inquiries remove after I started writing harder letters.
  10. drmgirl6

    drmgirl6 Well-Known Member

  11. bailey

    bailey Well-Known Member

    Her "laters" must be a hoot to read ROFL
  12. drmgirl6

    drmgirl6 Well-Known Member

    LOL, please stop! ROFL!
  13. Calmest_LA

    Calmest_LA Well-Known Member

    I think she means that she never actually files a lawsuit but does include in her letters to the CRAs that she can file suit if she wants :)

  14. Christi

    Christi Well-Known Member

    Just fell outta my chair..........ROFLMAO

    I would like to know how to do this...some insight would be nice :)
  15. jrjr35

    jrjr35 Well-Known Member

  16. Christi

    Christi Well-Known Member

    We don't understand either jr....
  17. dlo64

    dlo64 Well-Known Member guys are killing me!

    I think it is the harder lates that cause TU to delete because they are just as confused as we are :p

    Sorry, couldn't resist!
  18. Christi

    Christi Well-Known Member

    what a great way to start my day..........lmao
  19. Rina

    Rina Well-Known Member

    C'mon, guys...let's practice some kindness today.
  20. Brenda

    Brenda Well-Known Member

    Thanks Rina but let them have there fun. I know I can not spell and I should read my post before I post. The main thing is that I keep my goal to make my movie, And it is coming true. Besides kindness come from God and he gives me that everyday I wake up.

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