Did anyone who has a Citibank college card get a notice saying they can get a free Experian credit report by going to www.studentcreditreport.citicards.com?
The page cannot be displayed The page you are looking for is currently unavailable. The Web site might be experiencing technical difficulties, or you may need to adjust your browser settings. Ron.
matty61148, I keep refresh the links and it pops up the page. It works fine now. It must be the browser (internet Explorer). Ron.
Im not sure whether anyone with a "normal" citi card would be able to get the free report or is it just the "student" cards? student cards and the normal cards look the same. has anyone tried?
FYI, I just used my regular Citi Plat Select and it worked for me. I guess they don't compare it to a database of their college student cards. Everyone will have to try it and let us know how it works.
I get mine FREE anyway... I get # on the phone and I can see the report on-line before it come in the mail...