I will post when I get home and tell you all what transpires. I'm excited...but bummed because I don't have all my stuff organized for him yet, but I'll take it and explain it anyway. I have to get home early and print out a current EQ report so I can show him they have re-inserted tradelines and other than that I have everything, it's just packed into about 5 files. He can sort it out....lol. Cross your fingers for me X
Thanks Diva.... On my way out the door now I had so much papertrail *stuff* I had to put it in a duffle bag. I guess he will know that I definitely did what I said I did. Just an update on TU...they said they will TRY their hardest to have everything I requested taken care of by 5:00 and faxed to me. I told her I was keeping my attorney appointment and I could tell she was getting nervous She said she will contact me at home, by pager or cell phone the minute she has everything completed and fax it to me at home ASAP. We shall see.......