I need some advice on writing a complaint to be filed in district court. I have been dealing with two CA's for some time now, the first CA Immediately went away when I informed them of the paper trail I have established and the number of violations I have documented. (Documentation I would have never known about without the help and info of this board!) The second CA has the following violations: Listing two accounts that are not mine on my CR. (two violations) Failing to list "Disputed" on my CR. (three accounts, three violations) Failing to disclose that their communication is from a debt collector in a letter they sent. (one violation) Failing to reinvestigate accounts that were diputed through the CRA's My documentation is perfect, I have letters, reciepts, letters from original creditors saying accounts not mine ect. but I am having a hard time writing the particular statute that was violated. For example: The FDCPA states that any communication from a debt collector must state "this communication is from a debt collector and any information obtained will be used for the purpose of collecting this debt" I think the statute is 15 USC 1962e (11). Is this correct? my copy of the FDCPA is confusing and I don't want to quote the statute incorrectly. How do I include sub sections and numbered paragraphs when quoting statutes? If anyone who has experiance with this could help I would really appreciate it. I have the pleading almost finished and would like to file ASAP, but I don't want this getting kicked back on a technicality.
Here is the link to the FDCPA. If you need to quote a part of it, just go to that section, highlight it, right click on it, click copy, and then paste it into your document. Very easy. http://www.ftc.gov/os/statutes/fdcpa/fdcpact.htm You also can do a search under lizard king for his recent post regarding his lawsuit against JC Penney or mine entitled "my 10 minute lawsuit". That should give you an idea of how to write it up.