Here's my simple......

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by msjackson, Feb 12, 2002.

  1. msjackson

    msjackson Well-Known Member

    Telecheck letter to go out today. It's pretty simple and straight forward as to what I am requesting from their company. Is there a need to state any FCRA language (aka "telling them what their job is by law")?

    Check Writer Services Office
    P.O. Box 4513
    Houston, Texas 77210-4513

    Dear Sir/Madam:

    This is a letter of request to obtain information that you may have on file or in your data base sent to me at your earliest convenience.

    I have included below all of the necessary information needed to fulfill to this request.

    Full Name:

    Drivers License #:

    Issuing State:

    Social Security #:

    Mailing Address:

    Daytime Telephone#:

    Referring Financial Institute: Postal Credit Union

    If for any reason you may need to contact me in regards to the above- mentioned request please feel free to contact me @ xxx-xxx-xxxx.

    Thank you in advance for your cooperation.


    Is this ok to be mailed?
  2. Kittw1

    Kittw1 Well-Known Member

    Although I am sure that probably asked for all this information, IMO, I just think that it's a bit much! If it were me...I would supply them with just enough information to find my file and send it to me.
  3. msjackson

    msjackson Well-Known Member

    Kittw1 - what exactly would you delete? I did not want them to send me a response stating I did not supply them with, blah, blah, blah. This is my 3rd request and I need this information so that I can open my account.
  4. Kittw1

    Kittw1 Well-Known Member

    Well I question: Are they acting as the collection agency for these items (saw your other post)? If so, have you had them to validate these items?

    I just called them and got their fax number: 713-332-9300. If you can, I would send CRRR and fax.

    Did they specifically request these items? Even on the ChexSystems website, they don't ask for all of this, as they well know if you're denied by law you're entitled to a free report.

    Fone number - Nope..Pager number - yep!

    Complain, complain, complain..BBB, State AG office yours and theirs, FTC, small claims suit, which they'll probably lose.

    Hope this helps. I am certainly no expert, but a start is a start
  5. msjackson

    msjackson Well-Known Member

    Kittw1, I spoke with 2 reps., one stated that since the Casino was no longer a subscriber to TeleCheck that it would be removed from my file, then I got transferred to recovery in which that rep. stated it doesn't matter if the Casino was no longer a subscriber I still had to pay TeleCheck. Is TeleCheck Recovery a CA? And no I have not had them verify because they won't send me the freakin info. in writing so that I can.

    How do I complain to all those State Departments and exactly what do I state, that they refuse to furnish me with this information as required by law?
  6. Kittw1

    Kittw1 Well-Known Member

    way too much writing for here...just email me.

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