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Denied for Dell & GW Put $ down?

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by iamsamiam, Feb 9, 2002.

  1. iamsamiam

    iamsamiam Well-Known Member

    Okay, read carefully this time. IF I pay the hospital they will give me a letter saying no account exists. I can send that to the ca's but they will still investigate and Central States will still verify the information. This ca is still verifying paid accounts from 1997.

    There is two hospitals involved here, one is trying to help, but the lady who worked there called the owner of the ca and asked that these accounts be taken off, the answer was not only no, but hell no. If they wouldn't take it off for the people who placed the collection there, why would they take it off for me?
  2. uniondiva

    uniondiva Well-Known Member

    Listen carefully to me,

    they still have to follow the law. if the collector pulls the account, the ca has no legal right to collect it, therefore he cannot legally verify it with cra's. do they own the collection account? probably not but you need to find out... doesn't matter what they want.. they want you to pay some damn money.. they don't want to obey the law... you had better be willing to fight to affirm your rights under the law and let them know, or yes, your are right, they will not do anything for you.

    even if they did send you to court, with all of your documentation of attempts to pay it and/or validate they would look really stupid in front of a judge.
  3. uniondiva

    uniondiva Well-Known Member

    steps to take now:

    1. send estoppel crrrr

    2. dispute again with cra's (to generate violation)

    3. get the hospital to put the deal (payment for deletion in writing) even if you don't have the money right now.

    4. check your cr's for the following:

    did they note on your account that it is in dispute (violation)

    did they reage the account (violation)

    does the account amounts match exaclty what they hospital says you owe. (violation)

    5. After the thirty days for the estoppel, send copies of everything to cra's. file complaint with attorney general and be ready to send intent to sue letter.

    My bet is that it will come off... who is the ca anyway?
  4. lbrown59

    lbrown59 Well-Known Member

    Yeah who is it?
    What's the secret anyway?

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