Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by adidaswolf, Feb 12, 2002.

  1. adidaswolf

    adidaswolf Member

    This is from my earlier post. I am reposting it in hopes MORE of you great people will see this and offer your advice!!!!!!!

    I have heard that eloan dosen't pull from TU. I started my repair journey in January. I managed to scrape together 3 reports. Actually, I never got TU, I disputed most of it over the phone and now they say they have sent me the report!!! My score on creditexpert was 542. Then for no reason it dropped to 536. No clue as to the score on the opther reports. I then sent letters to all the CRA to update my address so I could prove who I am to actaully get the reports. I then sent a dispute letter to ALL 3. I disputed as not mine. The funny thing is, one of the CC I disputed, the account was opened before I was 18 so I figured It was a shoe in to come off. Well, Experian dropped it. TU did not. I haven't heard back from Equisux on anything yet. I called TU and they told me out of my 5 disputes they dropped a $2400 collection account from an old cell phone. But nothing else. The rep. said and I quote "all of the other entries came back as verified" How did you verify it I ask......"they sent us something with your name and address and soc#" THATS IT???? Thats how you verified it???? YUP. What a load of KRAP. SO now I am going to call all 3 CRA 2ngiht and find out exactly where I stand with my disputes and getting the report sent to me so I can get organized and make the next step. I need some suggestions as where to go from here!!!!! I read this board every day and have a pretty good idea of what to do, I just want to hear what others think and what they did. Was it successful. Im NOT afraid to mail 1000 letters and fax 1000 things and make 1000 calls. It is my personal MISSION in life to clean up my report!!!!!! I know this post is kinda all over the place but I am sure most of you understand how frustrating this can get. So I call to ALL fo you!!!! Help me out, where should I go from here!!!! I am actaully excited to hear what you all have to say!!!!!!! wish me luck!
  2. uniondiva

    uniondiva Well-Known Member

    I started my cr in october. i got free report from experian through creditexpert., transunion and paid for equifax and score. i began by disputing accounts that were not mine and then sending validation letters to ca for the others.

    my success: i started out with tu score about 415, now is 553.

    my ce score was 530 now is 611, don't have equifax right now.

    i have gotten two judgements deleted, two student loan collections (paid) , deleted, two ca accounts deleted. I still have a way to go before my acccounts are clean.... i have about six disputes going right now and setting a papertrail for lawsuit around a medical collection.

    good luck, i hope this helps.
  3. betacredit

    betacredit Well-Known Member

    It seems like you are very motivated, so that is good.

    I think your first mistake has been to do everything over the phone.

    You should be doing it by certified return receipt mail or at least by fax and retaining the confirmation receipt or online and printing out the sheets. This way you have proof what you requested to be done. YOu have written proof of when they received it and when the 30 days starts. If you haven't read the Federal credit reporting act and the Fair debt collection practices, you should to know what your rights are.

    This way you create a papertrail in case you need to file suit.
  4. adidaswolf

    adidaswolf Member

    come on guys......dosent any one else have any nuggets of info to offer from personal experience. I would even like to hear success stories large or small. It can be very motivating for ALL
  5. liesel

    liesel Active Member

    My husband and I started our repair journey in October. At the time my scores were in the low 500s and his were low 600s. The bulk of the derogs were mine, but he had a few that needed cleaning as well.

    Since then, I have had 2 collections deleted and 3 chargeoffs deleted from all 3 reports. I don't know whether the fact I had paid most of those a year ago when I still believed you were stuck for 7 years regardless had anything to do with it. They came off pretty easily from TU and Equifax, Experian I've had more trouble with but even with a couple of derogs on that I still have a score of about 650.

    My husband had one major chargeoff from 96 or so that fell off easily, as well as a couple of collections that we've gotten off most reports.

    I applied for an AT&T Universal card in December when my TU score shot up to 753 and I got the card, this despite the presence of a paid Citibank chargeoff. I was thrilled. My first prime card in years.

    We are also buying a house right now and since everything still remaining on our reports is paid we aren't having any problems.

    I'm still amazed that we've come so far in a short amount of time. I think what helped us is that we had a lot of positives on our reports despite the negatives. Student loans never late, credit cards never late. It's not so hard to come back when you have positives to work with, but even without those, it's still entirely doable, it just takes a bit longer.
  6. adidaswolf

    adidaswolf Member

    Status UPDATE!!!!!

    I got my TU report in the mail last night!!!

    Out of my 5 disputes, One dropped off. One was updated (Student loan) and the rest came back as verified. What a load of krap. I got organized and now have printed copies of all mt reports. I have 3 disputes online with Experian that are DUE tomorrow!!!! One I hear back from them.....NEXT STEP????? IDEAS????
  7. adidaswolf

    adidaswolf Member

    I know I may be asking forbidden questions here but I have to ask.....

    On the disputes and deletions that everyone gets, are these even for accounts they know belonged to them but couldn't keep up with for whatever reason. Im not looking into the moral krap cause the Credit System has been screwing me for years. Im just curious to know if people have successfully gotten accounts knocked off their reports (old ones, ove 2 years) they did belong to them??? Please don't flame me here!!!
  8. tmitchell

    tmitchell Well-Known Member

    That is a dangerous question. I was the subject of many peoples' ire a while back for the same issue. However, many came to my defense.

    The bottom line is that this is a credit forum, not Church. People come here for credit issues, not moral counseling.
  9. anna

    anna Well-Known Member

    I have a friend who disputed many entries of many different kinds that he knew were his. Many were deleted.
  10. whatever

    whatever Well-Known Member

    I have wondered this as well. When you can dispute as "not mine" must it really not be your account, or are you saying that you never signed a contract with a collection agency. I know, touchy subject.
  11. whyspers

    whyspers Well-Known Member

    I try to never say "not mine" because I just don't want to put myself in the position of losing all credibility. All of my accounts are six+ years old (except one which is 5 years old) and happened during a time of upheaval and turmoil in my life and while I know it is possible an account might be mine...I am NOT sure of what the balance was, or I don't recall having an account with a particular place so I dispute it based on that. Or based on the incorrect info..such as balance wrong, date of last activity. There is so much inaccurate there that I haven't yet found the need to lie.

  12. uniondiva

    uniondiva Well-Known Member

    i have disputed accounts as "not mine" when i felt that there could be some question as to whether the account is mine..... even if there was a possibity on my part, there is a responsibility on their part to be able to "prove it". So, yes, I have had public records and collection deleted based on " not mine" that could have been mine, but cra and/or ca could not verify as such.
  13. whatever

    whatever Well-Known Member

    I like your explanation. I could "forget" that I held such an account and agree, that if they put it on your credit report, it is up to the CA to prove it is yours. Thanks!
  14. lbrown59

    lbrown59 Well-Known Member

    A Creditor, CA or CRA doesn't have the rite to break the law wither the account is yours or it isn't!

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