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Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by msjackson, Feb 13, 2002.

  1. msjackson

    msjackson Well-Known Member

    Sent off Validation to CA dated 01/01 (CRRR), they received on 01/05, I received settlement letter from them on 01/08 dated 01/05. As soon as they got my letter on the 5th they immediately spit me out another letter (screw the law I guess). I kept the envelope that the settlement letter came in (postdated 01/06 which definitely proves it was sent after receipt of my validation). Now, do I wait the 30 days out (03/05) and send the Estoppel? I have been paying attention and constantly reading but now since it is actually time to do it I'm a tad bit nervous.
  2. LKH

    LKH Well-Known Member

    If you sent the validation out and they received it on 1/5, then the 30 days is already up. It was up on 2/5. Send your estoppel out today.
  3. KHM

    KHM Well-Known Member

    Do you meaan you sen it 2/1 and the received it 2/5? If so, wait out the 30 days, send the estoppel and possibly even a demand letter.
  4. msjackson

    msjackson Well-Known Member

    I apologize everyone (just so darn nervous), it was 02/05.
  5. milkmom

    milkmom Well-Known Member

    That has always confused me too. Is it 30 days from when I sent the validation letter or 30 days from when they signed for it?
  6. msjackson

    msjackson Well-Known Member

    According to my understanding (reading all the post) its 30 days from the date whomever signs the green card.
  7. milkmom

    milkmom Well-Known Member

    Thanks Ms. Jackson.

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