Since October I have thrown myself into undoing all of the damage I managed to do over the years, but the funny thing is...everything I've disputed really was incorrect in some form or fashion. The problem is, like some of the others who have posted, that while I am seeing some success in having derogatory entries removed, my score just goes down, down, down. Its downright depressing (hey you do internet consultations?) and sometimes I think I should just walk away and come back next year when most of this will have already resolved itself. Its very difficult for me to have the patience to hurry up and wait for responses that often times never come. So my question is..where do you guys get your motivation? Another question, how long does it take the CRA's to act on a delete request? They still have not deleted the JCP account that I received my copy of back on Feb. 1. I faxed this to them as well just to make sure it was received, but they are still reporting it. This is only place on my credit report that has any mention of bankruptcy and was not even mine, and yet again today I was declined credit because of a bankruptcy. I am starting to bet that this one account is really pulling my score down because it has that included in bankruptcy notation. I was thinking maybe it wasn't having that big of an effect since I obviously had not really filed for bk. Anyway...any encouragement or success stories would be greatly appreciated about right now. Thanks! Laura
I get my motivation from this board, the wonderful people who frequent it, and from wanting to see the CRA's go down.
I want to get a new-to-me car by June and I don't want a loan with anything higher than 10% interest, so I'm working at getting my scores up for that. I'm also in my first round of disputing/verifying, so I'm assuming that all the easy stuff falls off here but anything left over will require more diligence.
Try calling JCP and getting a supervisor to do an immdiate UDF to the CRA's. I did that recently with CAP One. Told them that their mis-information on my CR was making it impossible for me to refinance my house, and costing me over $1000 per month blah blah blah. Followed up with PFB, and 2 days later it was fixed on all three bureaus. A year ago I had low 500's across the board. Last week I walked into a range rover dealership and drove out 20 minutes later with a lease on a brand new $68,000 Range Rover HSE for my wife's valentine's day present. $500 down, 20 minutes and not many questions. That's my motivation. Of course AMEX still won't give me even a green card, but that's another story. 687 and movin up (most of the time)
I am going to be a homeowner in July 2003 in the sweetest suburban neighborhood I've ever seen. Every time I feel that I'm getting nowhere with my credit, I drive through the neighborhood and even stop at an "open house" on a sunday. Then I can pretend that I am actually buying that home for real. That fuels my motivation.
Andrew, that brought tears to my eyes.... I too do that same thing, I'd like to build so I look at floorplans every week just to motivate myself. I'll feel like I'm going nowhere then something good would happen. And, I get motivated again. Sometimes you need to give yourself a break. Maybe a week or two or even a month. Because it can become overwhelming especially when you think you're not making any headway.
Amen on that one, betacredit! I've taken a couple two-week "vacations" from fixing my credit just because I've hit points where I've either felt burned-out or felt there was no progress I could make at a particular time. It's nice to hear that someone else has the same motivation that I do. Good luck to you and your dream of building a home!
I look at my husband and children, and know that this is what needs to be done to obtain our dream home at the best interest rate, and to obtain a reliable vehicle that won't break down and use up all our cash we work hard for every day! I have baby #3 due in April, and I am more than determined to get this done! I look for collection letters in the mail box, and get pumped up when I shoot off my validation letter to them CRR and say, yeah go ahead....$%*@ with me and see what happens! (sorry so violent!) We all feel the pangs of having bad credit, and that is what motivates me! EQ:502 TU:512 EX:546(up 9 points today! )
This board.......Gets my fire started daily. I am eager to apply all of knowledge (things learned from this board) to get my reports the way I know they are supposed to be. I am awaiting several items in the mail that I sent off to the CA's. I fly home from work daily to look on my living room floor and see a flare of green peeping out from underneath a magazine or a utility bill, then I pull all of my folders out (each CRA and CA has their own individual) and spread them all over my bedroom floor and attach the green cards to the letters. It's exciting, motivating and it keeps me looking forward to the apartment that I want to rent in a beautiful neighborhood this coming June. Keep at it, if you need a break, take one. It's time consuming and I have the gut feeling that it will all pay for itself over time. I have not had much removed so far (started in November) and already I am receiving CC offers over the phone (got one last night). So hang in there and know that you have a family to back you up when you need it. That's what keeps me going.....CREDITNETTERS RULE!!!!!!!!! Good Luck To All
everytime i pay my car payment at 21% interest or my house payment at 12% i have motivation, believe me. My plan is to build house by next year and i think it is do able because of the success i have had following the advice on this board!
I have 4 boys and a beautiful wife. That's my motivation. I don't want more credit cards or to buy another home. I just hate the fact that there are those out there that deserve credit and can't get it because they made mistakes 6 years ago. Or worse, I hate the fact that some have never made a mistake, The CRA's did and the system that is supposed to fix the mistake sucks. In 1996 I had a business go under, my partner took off with our payroll and any other thing of value in the company. Since his credit was trashed when we started the business up, all the accounts were in my name. I never declared bankruptcy and at the time I did what I thought was the honorable thing and tried to pay everything back. Like an idiot I paid off business accounts at the expense of my personal credit. I am motivated by the fact that the system is corrupt, honest people get screwed for seven years and the CRA's write the laws we have to live by. When I started this, my EXP score was 599 I have had alot of deletions, and guess what my score is now? 537! I have fewer derogatories but the CRA's have also deleted some of my positives. I am not even upset by my setbacks, The CRA's set this system up so we would get frustrated and give up. Each time I get defeated by a CA or CRA I become more determined. I have learned to fight these people using the rules they wrote, I am more financially smarter today than ever. I put my house, my vehicles and anything else in trusts that I learned to set up. I know more about asset protection than most attorneys in my state and with this board I have an unending wealth of credit knowledge at my fingertips. I have lived both ends of the game and I would much rather have lttle money and alot of knowledge than have alot of money and little knowledge.
Factory housing could very well be the the home ownership dream come true. It could make it happen sooner,easier and better than you think!