Question for previous 500 club mems

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by shameen29, Feb 15, 2002.

  1. shameen29

    shameen29 Well-Known Member

    Previous 500 club members.
    What did you do to specifically to get your credit scores to go up into the 600s and even 700s? This questions is for those with few paid chargeoffs, few paid collections and a little unpaid collections (under $1000k). Any help is greatly appreciated.

    Equifax 572
    Experian 559
    Transunion 570
  2. nursie

    nursie Well-Known Member

    Just for starters.... go after the newest derogs, pay your OPEN revolving stuff down, and get rid of inquiries.
  3. uniondiva

    uniondiva Well-Known Member

    yep. do your biggest worst accounts first
    you will see biggest score bump from these!

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