in the mail today. Feb 8, 2002 Dear LKH, Please be advised,, Gulf State Credit, LLC has closed its file regarding the above referenced account. A Universal Data Form, which will effectively delete this item from your credit profile, has been completed. This information was faxed directly to Experian, Equifax and Trans Union. Please allow at least 7 - 10 days for the credit reporting agencies to update. I trust our actions will resolve this matter for you, however if you should have any further questions or conerns, please feel free to contact me directly at xxxxxxx. Very Truly Yours, xxxxxxxxxxxx Compliance Department I contacted Equifax about this reappearing on my report. I spoke to a supervisor and advised her that they have not notified me of the reinsertion and asked if Gulf State certified to them that this info was correct. She tried to say it is being reported by a different company so they are not obligated to do as I suggested. It was previously reported as Gulf State, and now is reported as OSI. I told her they are the same co. Her response - Well we don't know that I am not going to just take your word for it. I asked her if Gulf State and OSI are subscribers to Equifax. Answer = yes. Then how can you sit there and tell me you don't know they are the same co. This still has not been deleted. There may be a new lawsuit in Equifaxs' future if this isn't fixed by the end of the week.
Congratulations, LHK on getting the letter from Gulf State. I just got my first return receipt back from them so I'm curious if they will respond at all to my request for validation. As far as the CRA...I am there with you. TU and EX still have not deleted that JCP account (as you all know already since I keep talking about it). If it isn't off EX by Tuesday, I'm sending them an intent to sue letter and giving them 48 hours to delete it or I'm filing suit. I don't have same same papertrail (five months with EX) on TU but they will be next. Good luck on getting this resolved soon! L
congratulations, LKH. These CRAs just don't care. I am still waiting for the results from TU. I looked at my Exquifax report last night, it is the best out of the 3. TU is the worst! The TU affiliate that they have here must employ a bunch of lazy morons. It seems to me, that most of the CRA employees really don't know the law and if they do they just don't care to follow it. So I guess they really don't take us seriously until they a slapped with a lawsuit. It's a shame we have to make these people do their jobs.
LKH, I have the same problem with Gullf State and OSI. It deletes and then a month or so later reappears.. I've gotten 2 letters from OSI trying to appear as Gulf State indicating they're looking into my complaint(Months Old) The initial letter you sent directly to Gulf State? How did you get a sup at Equifax? I need to follow your same steps..
I'm glad to see you finally got your letter from GS! Good luck w/the MORANS at Equifax! I know how they can test anyones nerves!!!! I hope you do get it off ASAP!! Keep us posted
This all started last August when they sent me the first letter. I sent a validation out immediately. No response. 30 days sent estoppel. No response. About 45 days later I sent a demand letter that they remove the account from my reports and disputed with the cra's at the same time. 30 days later it came off. That was the last negative I had. Then Feb 6th, I see it was reinserted. I called their legal dept. on the 7th. They call their legal dept. the compliance dept. I spoke to the director of compliance and advised him that they had numerous violations. He actually agreed with me and told me they had no proof of the debt and would immediately close their books on the acct. and fax a UDF to the 3 morons to delete it.
Thanks for the info... The Gulf State bandits have now posted the same account Twice... Yet another violation, I know of a CA that already in hot water for doing the exact same thing reporting Twice to damage the consumer.....
As far as a supervisor at equifax, I just asked for one after the c.s. rep acted like an idiot that didn't know anything about the laws.