This website has the potential to be a great resource. It doesn't look like many people actually put in score or approval info. We could all save ourselves a lot of time and inquiries if we had a better idea of required fico's before applying.
I've looked, but couldn't find any approval/scores in my state for a number of stores. I also think it would be a great resource. It seems to me like companies would give a minimum score needed so a person would know if they were in the ballpark, but then they couldn't get one's information to sell or make subprime offers to I suppose. Its all a I'm beginning to suspect that at any rate. L
It's something to go on...BUT the CRA'S are always subject to change with the weather... ...and when someone with $100,000+ income is DENIED (NOT EVEN $5,000 CREDIT LIMIT) and someone with less than $35,000 income is APPROVED for $10,000...something is WRONG!!! IT'S FIXED...AND NOT FOR THE BENEFIT OF THE CONSUMER!!!
I agree totally. I don't ubderstand why the Credit Card companies don't put their minimum scores accepted or something to entice people to apply. Alot, of people are gun shy to apply. That's my 2 cents worth. Charlie
Good Idea! Instead of tossing pre-selected and pre-approval offers away, think I'll start sending them back not filled out but with a note telling them they should state what the minimum requirements are to get people to apply. hth
They remodeled their web site some months back and added the option for people to indicate scores. So anything prior to the site rennovation will not show a score.