I do a lot of online shopping. Since I develop E-commerce sites, I recogonize what is secure shopping practices and what is not. Some of the places that I order from are not as secure as I would like. Often I find that the vendor will Email me my Credit Card number to confirm the order. Since email is sent in clear text (not encrypted) someone could easily pick up that number. My question: I am looking for a card that will send me an Email every time a charge is placed. Currently if my CC was stolen, I would know until I receive and process my statement, sometimes up to 45 days later. Anyone know of a credit card that will notify you everytime a charge is made on your card? Thank you, Tim Smiley
Geez, Pat...does carrying a balance really drop your score that much??? If so I guess I've figured out why my score is going down instead of up with each deletion. Gotta get these paid down asap! Laura
Yep, it really does. But its TU's score not FICO. I never really believed I had a 876, but I figured the FICO equivalent should at least be over 700. So even though it's a Visa, It looks like TU treats it like a retail card. The number one reason was: FACTOR 1: DEPARTMENT STORE AND CLOTHING ACCOUNT BALANCES ARE TOO HIGH IN PROPORTION TO CREDIT LIMITS: CONSUMERS HAVING HIGH BALANCES ON THESE ACCOUNTS IN RELATION TO THE CREDIT LIMITS ARE MORE LIKELY OF FUTURE DELINQUENCY. LOWERING YOUR BALANCES ON THESE ACCOUNTS MAY IMPROVE YOUR CREDIT SCORE. I had a $1500 balance on the Target Visa. I did all my Christmas shopping on it and paid it off. Target hasn't seen fit to update the tradeline yet
My Target just started reporting last week and that is also now my #1 reason. I have charged a whole $101 on my card. What a friggin joke.
TU does not know the difference between their @$$ and a hole in the ground...they are the most moronic bunch of idiots I have ever dealt with. The higher up the chain of command you go with them, the dumber they get. Take it from me...dealing with some very high up legal personnel right now. They are just plain damn STUPID!!!
I agree!! Disputed a 30 day late and TU claimed verified Now showing 2 30 day late and 1 60 Day late I called the creditor and asked if they reported that here is the response I got: The manager told me they verified the 30 day late and if TU was reporting anything different then SUE them!