Just got a letter from them, I am pre-selected for a Platinum card with 0%APR on ALL purchases until May 2002, after that you will have a fixed purchase and cash advance rate of 14.9%. This is too funny because I have 2 Capital One charge-offs I am in the process of paying or negotiating. They don't keep very good records...or don't have a *blacklist*. **edit** Even stranger, I am in the opt-out so how would they get my information?
This is the deal we discussed yesterday... FROM $325 to $3,250...or something like that... I SAID THE $325 IS NOT EVEN GOOD ENOUGH FOR "TOY" STATIS!!!
I agree George...however they would NOT even approve me for $25 so why bother mailing it? Surely they realize I have charge-offs.
Anyone send in and get this from the "guaranteed" offer? What results did you get? Still debating whether or not to send mine in or apply at local CU for their Visa. Don't want to waste an inquiry on Cap One if it's BS!
Christi, What kind of CC's do you have with your score? I have a bud that has about the same scores as you do andhe is trying to re-build his credit. He lives out in Austin, also, at Lakeway. Charlie
I got the $500 limit. At first I had the $6 a month fee, but Cooke removed it and raised the limit to $800...
I only have FCNB and First Premier...not applying for anything until I get 675+ scores...hopefully in the next 2-3 weeks.
I have 3 chargeoffs on my credit report too dating back from 1996..SInce last April I have opened 7 new credit cards and a auto loan.Scores are 560 to 603..Recieved Plat offer but only got a 400 limit..