B Implants

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by getsmart, Feb 19, 2002.

  1. lbrown59

    lbrown59 Well-Known Member

    This is an idea but watch out for inflated interest.
  2. lbrown59

    lbrown59 Well-Known Member

    I believe that's homemaker improvements.
  3. Christi

    Christi Well-Known Member

    I am having a tummy tuck soon.......I hope. Recently lost 142lbs *woohoo*, anyway. I am trying to repair and rebuild my credit but have the money to pay cash for the procedure. I wanted to finance it to "help" my credit as well. The finance charges through those cosmetic finance companies are OUTRAGEOUS. My hubby suggested we put the $6000 in the bank. Then take out a loan for $5600 (cost of surgery) and he will co-sign for me. Then we use the $6K to make the payments for at least a year to get some history reported and then just pay the loan off. That might be an option, but I wouldn't use a finance company unless you are willing to pay their high interest. Our bank loan will be at like 6.5% because hubby has banked there forever, has good credit and his sister is the VP :)
  4. anna

    anna Well-Known Member

    I'm hoping to have laser vision correction soon. I was told they like to finance through American General, so I may just pay cash.

    Almost-Blind Anna
  5. Hope

    Hope Well-Known Member

    Seriously, if it's a loan through the doctor's office, it'll be a finance company, which will actually do m,ore harm to her credit than good.

    My suggestion is that she place some of that money into a passport savings account, then talke out a secured loan from her bank, or better yet, community credit union. The interest rates are wvery favorable. And provided you make sure first that the bank will report the loan to the CRAs, it will look much, much better on her credit report.

    Hope that helps.
  6. Marie

    Marie Well-Known Member

    american general is a finance company. the tradeline will definitely lower your score.

    that bit of information has been directly confirmed with Fair Isaac
  7. getsmart

    getsmart Well-Known Member

    Thanks Hope...I will go ahead and open up an account with the local CU around here. As far as financing the operation I may just pay cash this time around because I really do not want to use a finance company and I am not sure about obtaining a loan from a bank due to not having a high enough score or long history with my current bank..Appreciate the reply though..
  8. Calmest_LA

    Calmest_LA Well-Known Member

    Since you guys have already drifted a bit, then I'd like to ask you a serious question...guys only.

    I recently expressed an interest in getting a boob job myself. But my boyfriend said , "No way in hell are you getting fake tits!" He said knowing they weren't real would bother him tremendously.

    But what I don't understand is it's quite obvious that he doesn't mind other women having them! I've seen his eyes about to pop out of his head watching some other woman with big bazookas...obviously fake! Go figure.

    Now to my question. What do you guys think? Would you care whether your girlfreind had fake ones or not? Be honest.

  9. Hope

    Hope Well-Known Member

    No need to pay cash for the operation. So long as you put up the savings account as collateral, most banks and credit unions don't even run a credit check. Please do check it out before you pass up the perfect opportunity to gain a positive installment tradeline on her credit report.
  10. getsmart

    getsmart Well-Known Member

    1 more added benefit. No matter how old u get u never have to worry about them sagging as long as you are working out and taking care of your self..:)
  11. Christi

    Christi Well-Known Member

    Yes they are the first thing to go when you lose weight. I was a 40DD last April..currently a 32 (barely) B. However, I am 5'6 and weigh 121 so I'm proportionate I guess. I would love to be a C at least, but I prefer the tummy tuck over the breast implants :)
  12. wolverine

    wolverine Well-Known Member

    Fake is great for looking at... Beyond that, I think most of us prefer the real thing.
  13. Killer

    Killer Well-Known Member

    How sensitive are the fakes? I would have no problem being with a woman whose fake breast were as sensitive as the real ones. If the fakes lack in sensitivity then I would be disappointed.
  14. sam

    sam Well-Known Member

    B's are quite alright in my book. Just wear a wonder bra and blam. Only thing that worries me are the A's, because everytime i've messed around with those it felt like i was a pedophile or something. I don't see why women that absolutely don't need it endanger their bodies by doing this. Makes no sense.
  15. Dani

    Dani Well-Known Member

    It amazes me how society makes women feel completely inadequate with what they are born with. I'm a B and there is no way in hell I would take a knife anywhere on my body. Sure, there are some areas I don't like as much, but I got what I got. My mother (also a B) offered me this invaluable advice...the smaller the boobs the higher the IQ. No offense to those who are better endowed.

  16. Fat Jake

    Fat Jake Well-Known Member

    HA! Man you are crazy. I agree with you though. After a quick inspection of the top drawer it's confirmed that I'm working with a B. LOL!
  17. Beaker

    Beaker Well-Known Member

    It's always good to hear different guys' take on these things. I'm a full B/small C and once had a guy tell me I was "too skinny" and needed a boob job. WTF? On the other hand, another ex told me that he didn't like implants because "they feel weird", so I guess it depends on who you talk to. I'm lucky enough to be engaged to someone who likes all my God-given parts the way they are (as I do).

    I'm glad to hear some men out there stand up for us average chicks, LOL! You guys are great. :)
  18. sam

    sam Well-Known Member

    Honestly fake boobs, are great to look at /play with but i'd rather not have a woman with them for the long haul. The complications later in life say 30 years from now would not be worth it.

    Don't need to give nature any more reasons, we're all dying off too fast as it is..
  19. PsychDoc

    PsychDoc Well-Known Member

    When I see an apparently anorexic woman with what are obvious breast implants, I begin thinking about the social pressures and self-esteem related issues that gave rise to her current state. Call me a freak, but that usually wipes out the sexual impulse. I like real women irrespective of their breast size.

  20. brad

    brad Well-Known Member

    Well said Doc!!!

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