I am trying eloan for the first time. It says: Type your security code: H K E 3 2 in this box What does this mean? What am I supposed to type in? Sorry for the stupid question.
Everytime I type the code in the box and press "save & request credit score" it just reloads that page and a new code appears. What am I doing wrong?
I don't know. I typed the code on and it worked. Maybe someone else can answer your question. Oh don't get excited about eloan score like I did. I just pulled my TU from TU site. The eloan score is almost 75 points higher!
I'm not sure about Eloan, but with Yahoo for example, spammers will use software that will open 10 accounts simultaneously, from there they send their e-mails. To open a new account with Yahoo you have to enter the code, similiar to Eloan. What the code does is prevent new accounts to be opened automatically, since a human has to key it in. I'm assuming this is how it works for Eloan as well... GT