I have been unemployed for awhile and got behind on car payments. I found job now and I am ready to catch-up on car-payments. I told household that I will give them two payments on Thursday this week. I tried to arrange that with rep. She told me that I am on the repo list and to get off I would need the two payments in today and not thurs. Are they any suggestions, besides hiding my car until thursday. Will they even take me off repo list even If I make the two payments on thrusday. The rep said they would? Thanks for you help,
typical threats. If you are on the repo list you are on the repo list. The problem might arise if you send them payment, and they can still take the car and you're out the car and the money be careful..
Whatever you do, don't let the repo happen! It will ruin your credit! Hide the car and make all payments ASAP! You are blessed if you have the payments. If you hide the car, make the payments, and they still list as a repo on your credit you can argue that later. In my opinion you will have a good arguement.
i have a household story, i was 2 months behind soon to be 3, i got the money to pay the two late payments my car was to be put on the repo list the next morning, i called and told them i had just overnighted them a cashiers check and was told they would put a hold on the repo til noon (usps promises delivery by noon) well the next morning i go outside and my car is gone! so i call household and customer service had forgotten to tell the credit people, so they give me the # to the repo people and i call well sure since household says all is ok i can come get my car but it will cost me $385.00 well i dont have it so i i call household back,nothing they can do i owe the money to them. so it takes me 5 days to get another check but now the fees are the original $385 plus $25. a day storage now $510 i am pissed but i go to get my car and nothing is inside so i say where are my carseats and stroller stuff in glove boxes etc.. well thats another charge it is put in bags and you need to pay $50 per bag carseat#1, a bag,carseat#2,a bag, stroller a bag and misc items 2 bags, another$250 so total i need to pay to the repo people $760.00!! i called the police right there, well i got away without having to pay $100 of it because of the carseats but had to borrow $660. now needless to say i cant make the carpayment that was now due so household says they will work with me but i need to send at least 1 payment first because of the repo i say but now i dont even have rent money! i tell them i will call back and 2 days later the repo dept calls and tell me they need a payment or i will go back on the list in less than 2 weeks. so i said F@$& YOU come get your car. anyway i put both sets of keys and all its info in the car and parked it on the street never another call from household but at least 2 weeks go by until one morning it was finally gone. I hate them.
By the way the rep could also just be threatning you..U may be on the possible list of accounts in danger to be assigned for repo but if you have not been making previous promises and braking them u should be fine..Some reps like to use threats to make customers pay up ..But every company right now is trying to find ways to prevent repos due to current economic status..Do you have a Simple Interest account..If they do ask to have a ext..Most companies do offer ext's now a days where they throw a payment or 2 to the end of the loan..Granted there is extra interest but atleast your credit is protected..
A guy I used to work with was some piece of work. His philosphy about paying bills was quite simple: he pays all bills on the 4th of the month. If you send him a statement and it doesn't arrive until the 5th with a due date of the 30th--too bad. He won't send you a check until the 4th of the following month. So yes, that screwed up several of his creditors. Once he got behind on his car payment and they said they were going to repo it from the lot at work. "Good luck getting passed the *armed* guards you @$#%!!!" he'd say. Then to make matters worse, he "hid" his car in plain sight: at the airport! He went on a business trip for 5 weeks and right before he left he told the people who called that they could have their POS back if they wanted to try and find it at the airport parking lot. Of course he didn't mention exactly which lot--or which airport. When he got back he had sent his payments in but he used a rental car from the airport for another 2 weeks just for good measure. I think he probably paid the equivalent of a car payment for the rental car and extra airport parking :-D
My car loan is through Household and though I've had no problems, their customer service is HORRIBLE! I can't wait to refinance.
I have also heard of finance companies reporting vehicles stolen from to many missed payments and lack of communication. So keep in contact with them.
related question will they finance you if you have a repo on your cr. I need a car really bad....... and i need it to be a new car (for work). They give 600 a month for expenses but my car is too old to qualify for it.... any suggestions? scores range from 560 to 615. household income 80,000
uniondiva, You can easily obtain finance. Let's talk about it in chat sometime. I can relate my experiences and you can avoid some of my mistakes.
How old is your repo ?? if over a year or 2 and you have a good reason...Have a heart to heart with the finance manager at a local dealership...If you can win him over they he may be willing to bat for you a little..Also if the dealership is considered an A dealership with the finance company that u are using then maybe just maybe they will be willing to take a risk on you.,.As long as u can Verify your income and your debt ration is really good then u should have a shot..Only other problem u may have is that they may want 15 to %20 of the vehicle price down..I do work as an aylst and have worked in our repo department as well..Just a heads up on what to expect..
uniondiva, Sorry I didn't see your suggestion about chatting last night. I hope you haven't gone and purchased your car yet. I think I can help you a little if we talk first. My email is on so please drop me a line. getsmart is correct and I have some first hand experiences.
*Repo Tactics* Experienced something similar a few years ago. However, I wanted to add that if you hide your vehicle and they are unable to repossess it, they MUST get a court order before they can report the car as stolen - or themselves as the rightful owner. You have to be served with papers to appear. If they report the car as stolen without going to court, I would report them to your State Atty. General's office. I would file a claim with the State Atty. General regarding the "storage" tactics of the firm that repossessed the vehicle. I have never heard of charging to store your own possessions that were in the vehicle - without some written notice, etc.
Re: *Repo Tactics* Well, I made the two payments today and they "said" that they will take me off the list. I think to be safe that I will still hide it for another week or two. Thanks for your input.
Re: *Repo Tactics* Congratulations! Make sure that they don't still report a repo. I have a friend who this happened to. The car was never physically repossessed but he later found out it was listed as such on his CR's. He had to argue with them to get it corrected and it took forever.