B Implants

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by getsmart, Feb 19, 2002.

  1. getsmart

    getsmart Well-Known Member

    This is what makes a great forum..Conflicting points of view and that is what I love about people..I believe that Liposuction Nose Jobs Facelifts Breast Implants(and whatever Michael Jackson over the past few years has done) are all done to improve what we look like on the outside..Society will not change.. Pretend u have 2 extremely intelligent people, lets use men for instance..Applying for a job one is muscular with a great smile and just plain attractive..The other guy is overweight and maybe not that attractive..Who gets the job ?? Just like in high school..Pretty guys and gals tend to stick with each other..Science has even suggested that studies have shown that babies tend to look at pictures of people where the face has perfect symmetry longer than that of others who have Quote Flawed features...My question is what is wrong if u want to change certain areas of your body.. Men use weights to achiev e certain improvements and some men use plastic surgery as well..What about ROGAINE ?? is that natural ?? What about those women that use make up ?? is that natural ?? So I say let people live, and as long as they are comfortable with their decision and it makes them happy then others around them will or shculd be happy as well..
  2. getsmart

    getsmart Well-Known Member

    This is what makes a great forum..Conflicting points of view and that is what I love about people..I believe that
    Liposuction Nose Jobs Facelifts Breast Implants(and whatever Michael Jackson over the past few years has
    done) are all done to improve what we look like on the outside..Society will not change.. Pretend u have 2
    extremely intelligent people, lets use men for instance..Applying for a job one is muscular with a great smile and
    just plain attractive..The other guy is overweight and maybe not that attractive..Who gets the job ?? Just like in
    high school..Pretty guys and gals tend to stick with each other..Science has even suggested that studies have
    shown that babies tend to look at pictures of people where the face has perfect symmetry longer than that of
    others who have Quote Flawed features...My question is what is wrong if u want to change certain areas of your
    body.. Men use weights to achiev e certain improvements and some men use plastic surgery as well..What about
    ROGAINE ?? is that natural ?? What about those women that use make up ?? is that natural ?? So I say let
    people live, and as long as they are comfortable with their decision and it makes them happy then others around
    them will or shculd be happy as well..
  3. marci

    marci Well-Known Member

    Hmmm, let's see...

    1400+ college SAT
    141 IQ last time I checked
    ivy league alumna

    cup size "D"

    no offense taken :)
  4. milkmom

    milkmom Well-Known Member

    Take it from someone who has dealt with image problems all my life because of my endowment, they can be a real pain. It seems that those who have them don't want them and those who want them don't have them........ yet.


    DD :)
  5. betacredit

    betacredit Well-Known Member

    I have a super endowed sibling. She is 46DD maybe even an 'E' and I am a 34B. I would like to have more, but after seeing what my sister has to go through. She gets burns from her bras because there is so much to carry. She is very intelligent she is not smart. I would like implants but I am happy the way I am. I can find better things to do with my money.
  6. PsychDoc

    PsychDoc Well-Known Member

    getsmart, you're actually wrong on several counts. The research demonstrates that bald men are paid more, and yet baldness would qualify for your "flawed" designation. Moreover, personality assessment specialists would almost certainly strike a few hypotheses from your stated world view -- i.e., your use of the word "flawed," your idea that "society won't change," etc. In fact, society has changed with each passing decade. What was viewed as "beautiful" in 1920 was very different from what was viewed as "beautiful" in 1940, 1950, 1960, 1970, etc. Marilyn Monroe's images from 1955 were viewed as examples of gross obesity by most teenage girls in one famous recent study. The model "Twiggy" was considered the ideal in 1970, and she was very flat-chested. At that time, some women actually bound their breasts with cloth to make them smaller so that they would resemble Twiggy. Ironically, this harkened back to the 1920s, when the "flapper" ideal also saw girls with big breasts passed over for their flat-chested sisters. I could give countless additional examples which disprove your ideas that today's social constructivisms always have been and always will be. We in psychology have a simple word for what you're doing -- projection. Simply put, you believe what you believe, so you think it's true for everyone, both in the past and in the present, and will never be any different, in effect making you the center of your universe. In effect, you "project" your ideas on everyone else's blank screen, and then become even more convinced of your correctness. That's why empirical research is useful. It helps us all to avoid making those kinds of errors in both logic and judgment.

  7. marci

    marci Well-Known Member


    One of the best books I ever read dealing with people's casual associations of physical traits and "social importance" is Stephen J. Gould's The Mismeasure of Man.

    I detest anecdotal evidence proving that a particular trait must mean _______, much in the same way I'm sure many of us credit challenged posters would reject the causal association that we drive more poorly and should therefore get higher insurance quotes.

    GEORGE Well-Known Member

    A guy I worked with always said..."MORE THAN A MOUTH-FULL IS A WASTE"


    GEORGE Well-Known Member

    Also it was originally intended to feed a baby...
  10. PsychDoc

    PsychDoc Well-Known Member

    Marci, great book. Probably the worst purveyors of the phrenological approach were the Nazis who enforced -- by death in some cases -- certain demographic violations of their Aryan ideal.

  11. getsmart

    getsmart Well-Known Member

  12. getsmart

    getsmart Well-Known Member

    Let me ask you another question..Did I say something that I should not have said..Did my opinion attack a race of people or something..If so as an Italian Jamaican I am very sorry..I was just responding to the fact that I was asking for advice about implants and financing and then someone mentioned that we should all be happy with what we were given..I did not say that I had a problem with that..I was merely stating that people are always looking to improve themselves in one way or another..I just wanted to ask if that she felt that a nose job , tummy tuck , make up, wigs, rogaine, colored contacts, and hair weaves all fit under the same category ??? Is that not a good question..It just seems as though when people say Implants why do you feel u need implants ? Those same people are wearing make up or contacts or something that is not originally apart ot their natural physical make up ?? I love my fiancee with or without implants, I orginally was opposed to the idea but she has always wanted them and when I look at it what is the big deal..If it will make her happy then fine whoope..I have never been a breast buy and never will be..
  13. PsychDoc

    PsychDoc Well-Known Member

    Actually, getsmart, I agree entirely with your point that there's not anything necessarily wrong with someone simply because they want to get in shape, etc. Unfortunately, though, the most recent ideas regarding female "beauty" have really served to corner women (in fact, women especially) into what is sometimes an impossible and untenable situation. A woman who's 5-foot-5 is expected to weigh 102 pounds, and she's expected to have big D-cup breasts, and if the weight on her hips and stomach somehow matches the size of the breasts, then something's really wrong.

    Some of the most interesting research about the "female ideal" has emerged from taking a look at -- gasp -- pornography from ancient times through the 20th century. Women in bawdy "stag" films of the 1930s would never be seen in contemporary adult films. Moreover, today's female porn stars would be considered freakish and cartoonish just decades ago. There's no telling what will turn on people in the year 2052.

    In any event, I think you made a great point that just because somebody wants to fit into this decade's idea of idealized beauty doesn't mean that there's necessarily something wrong with them.

  14. KHM

    KHM Well-Known Member

    Did you work with my hubby? He says it all the time!
    I am a 42D and I want a reduction, the back aches, the slouching, it all gets to you after a while, and I'm only 25.
  15. Dani

    Dani Well-Known Member

    Whoa, whoa, whoa. You missed my point. I have nothing against plastic surgery if that what it takes to make someone happy. I stated, I, myself, would not think of plastic surgery, because I can live with what I have.

  16. GEORGE

    GEORGE Well-Known Member

    There is or was testing with "fat transplant" instead of a "bag of stuff"...implant..no rejection because it would already be your fat.
  17. getsmart

    getsmart Well-Known Member

    And Mrs Dani I am sure that u are a beautiful person :) ..Sorry that I misunderstood you....I
  18. dinob12

    dinob12 Well-Known Member

    Getsmart I honestly feel as though the possible negative effects of saline implants may not be good at all.. Why can't people be satisfied with what they have...I am a decent looking guy and take care of myself and I also like women that take care of themselves and that is all I ask for..If you really want your girlfriend to have implants then u are forcing her to do something that she may regret later on in life..Would u get implants ??
  19. dogman

    dogman Well-Known Member

    Interesting post - even from that great San Francisco perspective....LOL!

    Geez - you guys are hilarious!

    Killer - I would not want you to be disappointed - arrff!
    SAM - there is a club in San Fran for the "A" admirer...and the "B-ZZ" also.

    aarrff - dogman
  20. getsmart

    getsmart Well-Known Member

    MY GOD DID YOU NOT READ ANY OF MY PREVIOUS POSTINGS ON THIS TOPIC....THis is not my decision. I have never brought this topic up with my fiancee. She asked me a few months ago what I thought about implants.. I told her that I did not know too much about them and like anything else that is relatively new I did not know what the possible side effects could be years to come..Who knows if 20 years from now if they find out that saline has effects that they did not know about earlier. I also thought that I mentioned that I did not care for her to get them. I thought I also said that I really am not a breast kinda guy. I only wanted information on adding this somehow to her Credit Report..And I must say that I do appreciate the information that I have recieved so far..I will be checking with a C Union this weekend and see if we can get a secured loan in her name..And not I would not get implants unless I was a professional bodybuilder and needed them..Bet u did not know there are calf, bicep/tricep, abdominal implants as well for men but to answer your question no I do no plan on getting implants..

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