Hi, I am hoping someone can help me here. I have three defaulted student loans that have all been paid. Can someone guide me as to how I can have them removed from the negative area of my credit report? I would love for it to be moved to the positive side or be deleted all together. Plus the acct numbers on 2 of them are quite similar. Can I do something with that? I looked through old post but I didn't come across any that pertained to a totally paid default. Here are the accts if you would be so kind as to take a look and offer some help. Thanks U S DEPT OF ED-FISL-CHI Account Number: xxxxxx3604... Status: Paid/Collection account. Status Details: This account is scheduled to continue on record until 10-2007. U S DEPT OF ED-FISL-CHI Account Number: xxxxxxxx3603... Status: Paid/Collection account. Status Details: This account is scheduled to continue on record until 10-2007. FEDERAL DIRECT STUDENT L Account Number: xxxxx... Status: Claim filed with government/Past due 180 days. $316 past due as of 1-2001. Status Details: This account is scheduled to continue on record until 12-2006.
I am in the same kind of situation. Also consolidated but did not rehab. I just disputed them as paid of in full. some got deleted, some got verified. I just keep on disputing it till they get deleted/
i did the similair. disputed them and most came off. I am going to use the "nutcase" letter to get the last one off. you may want to try it.
I had several of my paid defaulted student loans deleted. It took numerous rounds of disputing however over time. TU was the easiest to remove them and Equifax was the hardest. If you only have 3 or 4 that may be easy. I had 11. You didnt mention a guarantor. I assume that one of those you reported is the guarantor so actually you only have 2 loans. Is that correct? Once paid they usually dont verify. But the dept of ed may be different. Good luck! What is this nutcase letter?
leo, I was very successful w/ getting USA fund deleted from my equifax and experian report by disputing. I think TU was lying.
Roni, nutcase letter is the letter that psych doc created for paid collections and late pays. people are reporting good results with it. it is listed in a thread " litigious nutcase letter"